#!/bin/sh # -*- tcl -*- A Tcl comment, whose contents don't matter \ exec tclsh "$0" "$@" package require Tcl 8.6 9 package require mkdoc package require hook set Usage [string map [list "\n " "\n"] { Usage: __APP__ ?[--help|version]? INFILE OUTFILE ?[--css file.css]? mkdoc - code documentation tool to process embedded Markdown markup given after "#'" comments Positional arguments (required): INFILE - input file with: - embedded Markdown comments: #' Markdown markup - pure Markdown code (file.md) OUTFILE - output file usually HTML or Markdown file, file format is deduced on file extension .html or .md, if OUTFILE is the `-` sign output is written to stdout Optional arguments: --help - display this help page, and exit --version - display version number, and exit --license - display license information, and exit --css CSSFILE - use the specified CSSFILE instead of internal default mkdoc.css Examples: # create manual page for mkdoc.tcl itself __APP__ mkdoc.tcl mkdoc.html # create manual code for a CPP file using a custom style sheet __APP__ sample.cpp sample.html --css manual.css # extract code documentation as simple Markdown # ready to be processed further with pandoc __APP__ sample.cpp sample.md # convert a Markdown file to HTML __APP__ sample.md sample.html Author: @ Dr. Detlef Groth, Schwielowsee, 2019-2022 License: BSD }] if {[lsearch -exact $argv {--version}] > -1} { puts "[package provide mkdoc::mkdoc]" return } if {[lsearch -exact $argv {--license}] > -1} { puts "BSD License - see manual page" return } proc Report {event settings} { set label [dict get { D Defaults Y YAML.... F Final... } $event] puts "$label $settings" } proc Done {outfile} { puts "Results written to `$outfile`." } proc Processing {infile inmode outmode} { puts "Processing $inmode file `$infile` for $outmode." } #hook bind mkdoc::mkdoc Header/Defaults x {::Report D} hook bind mkdoc::mkdoc Header/YAML x {::Report Y} hook bind mkdoc::mkdoc Header/Final x {::Report F} hook bind mkdoc::mkdoc Done x ::Done hook bind mkdoc::mkdoc Processing x ::Processing if {[llength $argv] < 2 || [lsearch -exact $argv {--help}] > -1} { set usage [regsub -all {__APP__} $Usage [info script]] puts $usage exit 0 } elseif {[llength $argv] >= 2 && [lsearch -exact $argv {--run}] == 1} { # argv == `path --run ...` -- Modify for run to see `path ...` mkdoc::run {*}[lreplace $argv 1 1] } elseif {[llength $argv] == 2} { if {[regexp {^-.} [lindex $argv 1]]} { puts stderr "Error: wrong outfile name [lindex $argv 1]" exit 1 } mkdoc::mkdoc {*}$argv } elseif {[llength $argv] > 2} { # Check for `--css` and replace with the internal `-css` set csspos [lsearch -exact $argv --css] if {$csspos >= 0} { set argv [lreplace $argv $csspos $csspos -css] } mkdoc::mkdoc {*}$argv } exit