[comment {-*- mode: tcl ; fill-column: 90 -*-}] The implementation of [vset critcl] uses and depends on [list_begin enumerated] [enum] [package cmdline] [list_end] [para] Depending on how Tcl was installed this package may be available already without action, or not. Invoke the command [example { echo 'puts [package require cmdline]' | tclsh }] to check if the package is present or not. If it is present then its version number will be printed, else the error message [const {can't find package cmdline}] or similar. [para] If it is not present install the package as per the instructions for the chosen Tcl installation. [para] [strong Note], the package [package cmdline] may not exist as its own installable package. In such a case check if the chosen Tcl installation provides a [package tcllib] package and install that. This should install all the packages in the Tcllib bundle, including [package cmdline]. [para] As a last fallback, go to [vset tcllib_home] and follow the instructions to install the bundle from scratch.