[comment {-*- mode: tcl ; fill-column: 90 -*-}] While [vset critcl] requires a working C compiler to both install itself, and to process [vset critcl]-based packages installing such is very much out of scope for this document. [para] Please follow the instructions for the platform and system [vset critcl] is to be installed on. [para] The important pieces of information are this: [list_begin enumerated] [enum] The path to the directory containing the C compiler binary has to be listed in the environment variable [var PATH], for [vset critcl] to find it. [enum] On Windows(tm) the environment variable [var LIB] has to be present and contain the paths of the directories holding Microsoft's libraries. The standard [vset critcl] configuration for this platform searches these paths to fine-tune its settings based on available libraries and compiler version. [list_end] [para] Links of interest: [list_begin definitions] [def [uri http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/HOWTO-INDEX/programming.html]] [list_end]