These commands control the details of compilation and linking a [vset critcl_script]. The information is used only to compile/link the object for the [vset critcl_script]. For example, information for [file FOO.tcl] is kept separate from information for [file BAR.tcl]. [list_begin definitions] [comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------] [call [cmd ::critcl::cheaders] [opt [arg arg]...]] Provides additional header locations. [para] Each argument is a glob pattern. If an argument begins with [const -] it is an argument to the compiler. Otherwise the parent directory of each matching path is a directory to be searched for header files. Returns an error if a pattern matches no files. [vset relative_pattern] [para] [const {#include}] lines are not automatically generated for matching header files. Use [cmd critcl::include] or [cmd critcl::ccode] as necessary to add them. [para] [vset cumulative] [comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------] [call [cmd ::critcl::csources] [opt [arg {glob pattern}]...]] Matching paths become inputs to the compilation of the current object along with the sources for the current [vset critcl_script]. Returns an error if no paths match a pattern. [vset relative_pattern] [para] [vset cumulative] [comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------] [call [cmd ::critcl::clibraries] [opt [arg {glob pattern}]...]] provides the link step with additional libraries and library locations. A [arg {glob pattern}] that begins with [const -] is added as an argument to the linker. Otherwise matching files are linked into the shared library. Returns an error if no paths match a pattern. [vset relative_pattern] [para] [vset cumulative] [comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------] [call [cmd ::critcl::source] [arg {glob pattern}]] Evaluates as scripts the files matching each [arg {glob pattern}]. Returns an error if there are no matching files. [vset relative_pattern] [comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------] [call [cmd ::critcl::tsources] [arg {glob pattern}]...] Provides the information about additional Tcl script files to source when the shared library is loaded. [para] Matching paths are made available to the generated shared library when it is loaded for the current [vset critcl_script]. Returns an error if a pattern matches no files. [vset relative_pattern] [para] [vset cumulative] [para] After the shared library has been loaded, the declared files are sourced in the same order that they were provided as arguments. [comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------] [call [cmd ::critcl::owns] [arg {glob pattern}]...] Ignored in "compile and run" and "generate package" modes. In "generate TEA" mode each file matching a [arg {glob pattern}] is a file to be included in the TEA extension but that could not be ascertained as such from previous commands like [cmd critcl::csources] and [cmd critcl::tsources], either because of they were specified dynamically or because they were directly sourced. [comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------] [call [cmd ::critcl::cflags] [opt [arg arg]...]] [para] Each [arg arg] is an argument to the compiler. [para] [vset cumulative] [comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------] [call [cmd ::critcl::ldflags] [opt [arg arg]...]] [para] Each [arg arg] is an argument to the linker. [para] [vset cumulative] [comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------] [call [cmd ::critcl::framework] [opt [arg arg]...]] Each [arg arg] is the name of a framework to link on MacOS X. This command is ignored if OS X is not the target so that frameworks can be specified unconditionally. [para] [vset cumulative] [comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------] [call [cmd ::critcl::tcl] [arg version]] Specifies the minimum version of the Tcl runtime to compile and link the package for. The default is [const 8.4]. [comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------] [call [cmd ::critcl::tk]] Arranges to include the Tk headers and link to the Tk stubs. [comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------] [call [cmd ::critcl::preload] [arg lib]...] Arranges for the external shared library [arg lib] to be loaded before the shared library for the [vset critcl_script] is loaded. [para] [vset cumulative] [para][include] [comment { XXX preload - compile & run - will it work ? }] For developers who want to understand or modify the internals of the [package critcl] package, [sectref {Preloading functionality}] explains how preloading is implemented. [comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------] [call [cmd ::critcl::debug] [arg area]...] Specifies what debugging features to activate. Internally each area is translated into area-specific flags for the compiler which are then handed over to [cmd critcl::cflags]. [list_begin definitions] [def [const memory]] Specifies Tcl memory debugging. [def [const symbols]] Specifies compilation and linking with debugging symbols for use by a debugger or other tool. [def [const all]] Specifies all available debugging. [list_end] [list_end]