[include 331.inc] [section {Changes for version 3.3}] [list_begin enumerated] [enum] As announced with 3.2: [list_begin enumerated] [enum] Removed support for Tcl 8.4 and 8.5. [enum] Removed support for the argument types [type int*], [type float*], [type double*], [type bytearray], [type rawchar], and [type rawchar*]. [list_end] [enum] Modified packages to accept operation under Tcl 9. Bumped package versions appropriately. Bumped copyrights. [para] The [term {How To Adapt Critcl Packages for Tcl 9}] contains the details relevant to writers of [vset critcl]-based packages. [enum] Set different minimum Tcl requirements for the 8.x and 9.x series. [para] If no minimum is declared the minimum depends on the Tcl version used to run the critcl package or application. [para] When running under Tcl 9 the default minimum is version [const 9]. For anything else the new default minimum is [const 8.6]. [para] [strong Reminder]: Support for Tcl 8.4 and 8.5 was removed. [enum] Made [file ~]-handling portable across the 8.x and 9 boundary (via [const HOME] environment variable). [enum] Bumped embedded [package tclconfig] to version 2.67. Patch supplied by Paul Obermeier. [enum] [strong {Bug Fix}] [uri https://github.com/andreas-kupries/critcl/issues/127 #127] [enum] [strong {Bug Fix}] [uri https://github.com/andreas-kupries/critcl/issues/128 #128] [enum] [strong {Bug Fix}] [uri https://github.com/andreas-kupries/critcl/issues/129 #129] Fixed various typos in the documentation. [enum] Reworked internals of [package critcl::cutil]'s tracer to support operation in a multi-threaded environment. This new mode is also default. The old single-threaded mode can be (re)activated by defining [const CRITCL_TRACE_NOTHREADS]. [para] Package bumped to version 0.4. [enum] Reworked the installer to add [const tclX] markers to the installation directories of the C-based support packages ([package critcl::callback], [package critcl::md5c]), where [var X] is the major version number of the [syscmd tclsh] which ran critcl. [enum] In other words, one of [const tcl8] or [const tcl9]. [enum] Broke lingering dependencies on the Tcllib packages [package cmdline] and [package fileutil]. [para] There are no circularities between Critcl and Tcllib any longer, simplifying installation. [list_end]