[section {Changes for version 3.1.13}] [list_begin enumerated] [enum] Merged PR #43. Fixed bug loading adjunct Tcl sources. [enum] Fixes in documentation and generated code of package "critcl::enum". Bumped to version 1.0.1. [enum] Fixes in documentation of package "critcl::bitmap". [enum] New package "critcl::emap". In essence a variant or cross of "critcl::bitmap" with behaviour like "critcl::enum". [enum] Merged PR #49. Fixed documentation typo. [enum] Merged PR #46. Fixed documentation typo. [enum] Merged PR #47. Fixes to test results to match the accumulated code changes. Also made portable across Tcl versions (varying error syntax). [enum] New predefined argument- and result-type "wideint" mapping to Tcl_WideInt. [enum] New predefined argument-type "bytes" mapping to tuple of byte-array data and length. Note: The existing "bytearray" type (and its aliases) was left untouched, to keep backward compatibility. [enum] Modified the internal interface between the Tcl shim and C function underneath "critcl::cproc" with respect to the handling of optional arguments. An optional argument "X" now induces the use of two C arguments, "X" and "has_X". The new argument "has_X" is of boolean (int) type. It is set to true when X is set, and set to false when X has the default value. C code which cares about knowing if the argument is default or not is now able to check that quickly, without having to code the default value inside. NOTE: This change is visible in the output of the advanced commands "argcnames", "argcsignature", "argvardecls", and "argconversion". [enum] Fixed issue #50 and documented the availability of variable "interp" (type Tcl_Interp*) within "critcl::cinit" C code fragments. Note that while the old, undocumented name of the variable, "ip", is still usable, it is deprecated. It will be fully removed in two releases, i.e. for release 3.1.15. The variable name was changed to be consistent with other code environments. [enum] Fixed issue #51. Disabled the generation of #line directives for "critcl::config lines 0" coming from template files, or code generated with them before the final value of this setting was known. [enum] Fixed issue with handling of namespaced package names in "critcl::iassoc". Equivalent to a bug in "critcl::class" fixed for critcl 3.1.1, critcl::class 1.0.1. Note: "literals", "enum", "emap", and "bitmap" do not require a fix as they are all built on top of "iassoc". [list_end]