[section {Changes for version 3.1.12}] [list_begin enumerated] [enum] Fixed issue 42. Clear ::errorInfo immediately after startup to prevent leakage of irrelevant (caught) errors into our script and confusing the usage code. [enum] Fixed issue 40. Keep the order of libraries, and allow duplicates. Both are things which are occasionally required for proper linking. [enum] Extended the utility package [package critcl::literals] to declare a cproc result-type for a pool. [para] Further fixed the generated header to handle multiple inclusion. [para] Bumped version to 1.1. [enum] Fixed issue with utility package [package critcl::bitmap]. [para] Fixed the generated header to handle multiple inclusion. [para] Bumped version to 1.0.1. [enum] Created new utility package [package critcl::enum] for the quick and easy setup and use of mappings between C values and Tcl strings. Built on top of [package critcl::literals]. [enum] Added examples demonstrating the use of the utility packages [package critcl::literals], [package critcl::bitmap], and [package critcl::enum] [list_end]