[section {Changes for version 3.1.11}] [list_begin enumerated] [enum] Fixed issue #37, via pull request #38, with thanks to Jos DeCoster. Information was stored into the v::delproc and v::clientdata arrays using a different key than when retrieving the same information, thus failing the latter. [enum] New convenience command [cmd critcl::include] for easy inclusion of headers and other C files. [enum] New command [cmd critcl::make] to generate a local header of other C files for use by other parts of a package through inclusion. [enum] New utility package [package critcl::literals] for quick and easy setup of and access to pools of fixed Tcl_Obj* strings. Built on top of [package critcl::iassoc]. [enum] New utility package [package critcl::bitmap] for quick and easy setup and use of mappings between C bitsets and Tcl lists whose string elements represent that set. Built on top of [package critcl::iassoc]. [list_end]