[comment {-*- mode: tcl ; fill-column: 90 -*-}] This section offers instructions for installing [vset critcl] on various kinds of Unix and Unix-related systems, i.e. [term Linux], the various [term BSD]s, etc. It especially covers [term {Mac OS X}] as well. [para] Use the instructions in section [sectref {Install On Windows}] when installing on a Windows platform and not using a unix-like environment as provided by tools like [vset mingw], [vset cygwin], [vset git4win], [vset wsl], etc. [list_begin enumerated] [enum] Change the working directory to the top level directory of the [vset critcl] checkout obtained by following the instructions of [term {How To Get The CriTcl Sources}]. [enum] Verify that the file [file build.tcl] is marked executable. Make it executable if it is not. [enum] Invoke [example { ./build.tcl install }] to perform the installation. [para] [strong Attention] This command uses default locations for the placement of the [cmd critcl] application, the various packages, and header files. [enum] Invoke [example { ./build.tcl dirs }] to see the chosens paths before actually performing the installation. [enum] [include include/build_install_options.inc] These options are especially necessary in all environments not using the semi-standard [file bin], [file lib], [file include] locations from [syscmd configure]. [para] As an example of such environments, Ubuntu (and possibly Debian) expect Tcl packages to be installed into the [file /usr/share/tcltk] directory, therefore requiring the use of [example {--lib-dir /usr/share/tcltk}] for proper installation. [list_end] [para] [strong Note] that this guide neither covers the details of the [method install] method, nor does it cover any of the other methods available through the [cmd build.tcl] tool of [vset critcl]. These can be found in the [term {CriTcl build.tcl Tool Reference}].