The following commands control compilation and linking. [list_begin definitions] [comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------] [call [cmd ::critcl::check] [opt [arg label]] [arg text]] Returns a [const true] if the C code in [arg text] compiles sucessfully, and [const false] otherwise. Used to check for availability of features in the build environment. If provided, [arg label] is used to uniquely mark the results in the generated log. [comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------] [call [cmd ::critcl::checklink] [opt [arg label]] [arg text]] Like [cmd critcl::check] but also links the compiled objects, returning [const true] if the link is successful and [const false] otherwise. If specified, [arg label] is used to uniquely mark the results in the generated log. [comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------] [call [cmd ::critcl::msg] [opt [option -nonewline]] [arg msg]] Scripts using [cmd critcl::check] and [cmd critcl::checklink] can use this command to report results. Does nothing in [term {compile & run}] mode. Tools like the [manpage {CriTcl Aplication}] may redefine this command to implement their own message reporting. For example, [package critcl::app] and any packages built on it print messages to [term stdout]. [comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------] [call [cmd ::critcl::print] [opt [option -nonewline]] [opt [arg chan]] [arg msg]] Used by the CriTcl internals to report activity. By default, effectively the same thing as [cmd ::puts]. Tools directly using either the CriTcl package or the CriTcl application package may redefine this procedure to implement their own output functionality. [para] For example, the newest revisions of [uri Kettle] use this to highlight build warnings. [comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------] [call [cmd ::critcl::compiled]] Returns [const true] if the current [vset critcl_script] is already compiled and [const false] otherwise. [para] Enables a [vset critcl_script] used as its own Tcl companion file (see [cmd critcl::tsources]) to distinguish between being sourced for compilation in [term {compile & run}] mode and being sourced from either the result of [term {generate package}] mode or during the load phase of [term {compile & run}] mode. The result is [const false] in the first case and [const true] in the later two cases. [comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------] [call [cmd ::critcl::compiling]] Returns [const true] if a working C compiler is available and [const false] otherwise. [comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------] [call [cmd ::critcl::done]] Returns [const true] when [vset critcl_script] has been built and [const false] otherwise. Only useful from within a [vset critcl_script]. Enables the Tcl parts of a [vset critcl_script] to distinguish between [term {prebuilt package}] mode and [term {compile & run}] mode. [para] See also [sectref {Modes Of Operation/Use}]. [comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------] [call [cmd ::critcl::failed]] Returns [const true] if the [vset critcl_script] could not be built, and [const false] otherwise. Forces the building of the package if it hasn't already been done, but not its loading. Thus, a [vset critcl_script] can check itself for availability of the compiled components. Only useful from within a [vset critcl_script]. [comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------] [call [cmd ::critcl::load]] Like [cmd critcl::failed] except that it also forces the loading of the generated shared library, and that it returns [const true] on success and [const false] on failure. Thus, a [vset critcl_script] can check itself for availability of the compiled components. Only useful from within a [vset critcl_script]. [list_end]