The following command manages global settings, i.e. configuration options which are independent of any [vset critcl_script]. [para] This command should not be needed to write a [vset critcl_script]. It is a management command which is only useful to the [manpage {CriTcl Application}] or similar tools. [list_begin definitions] [call [cmd ::critcl::config] [arg option] [opt [arg val]]] Sets and returns the following global configuration options: [list_begin options] [opt_def force bool] When [const false] (the default), the C files are not built if there is a cached shared library. [opt_def lines bool] When [const true] (the default), #line directives are embedded into the generated C code. [include] [para] Developers of higher-level packages generating their own C code, either directly or indirectly through critcl, should also read section [sectref {Advanced: Location management}] to see how critcl helps them in generating their directives. Examples of such packages come with critcl itself. See [package critcl::iassoc] and [package critcl::class]. [opt_def trace bool] When [const false] (the default), no code tracing the entry and exit of CriTcl-backed commands in the [vset critcl_script] is inserted. Insertion of such code implicitly activates the tracing facility in general. See [package critcl::cutil]. [opt_def I path] A single global include path to use for all files. Not set by default. [opt_def combine enum] [list_begin definitions] [def "[const dynamic] (the default)"] Object files have the suffix [const _pic]. [def [const static]] Object files have the suffix [const _stub]. [def [const standalone]] Object files have no suffix, and the generated C files are compiled without using Tcl/Tk stubs. The result are object files usable for static linking into a [term {big shell}]. [list_end] [opt_def language string] [opt_def keepsrc bool] When [const false] (the default), the generated [file .c] files are deleted after the [file .o] files have been built. [opt_def outdir directory] The directory where to place a generated shared library. By default, it is placed into the [sectref {Result Cache}]. [list_end] [list_end]