The following commands manage the build configuration, i.e. the per-platform information about compilers, linkers, and their commandline options. [vset not_needed_for_critcl_script] [list_begin definitions] [comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------] [call [cmd ::critcl::readconfig] [arg path]] Reads the build configuration file at [arg path] and configures the package using the information for the target platform. [comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------] [call [cmd ::critcl::showconfig] [opt [arg chan]]] Converts the active build configuration into a human-readable string and returns it, or if [arg chan] is provided prints the result to that channel. [comment { As a package it would be IMHO better to have these command only return the necessary internal data, and have the application higher up do the formatting. }] [comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------] [call [cmd ::critcl::showallconfig] [opt [arg chan]]] Converts the set of all known build configurations from the currently active build configuration file last set with [cmd critcl::readconfig] into a string and returns it, or if [arg chan] is provided, prints it to that channel. [comment { As a package it would be IMHO better to have these command only return the necessary internal data, and have the application higher up do the formatting. }] [comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------] [call [cmd ::critcl::chooseconfig] [arg target] [opt [arg nomatcherr]]] Matches [arg target] against all known targets, returning a list containing all the matching ones. This search is first done on an exact basis, and then via glob matching. If no known target matches the argument the default is to return an empty list. However, if the boolean [arg nomatcherr] is specified and set an error is thrown using [cmd critcl::error] instead. [comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------] [call [cmd ::critcl::setconfig] [arg target]] Configures the package to use the settings of [arg target]. [list_end]