PortSystem 1.0

name		texi2html
version		5.0
revision	1
platforms	any
supported_archs noarch
categories	textproc
license		GPL-2+
installs_libs	no
maintainers	nomaintainer
description	A Perl script which converts Texinfo source files to HTML output.
long_description \
	A Perl script which converts Texinfo source files to HTML output.
homepage	https://www.nongnu.org/${name}
master_sites	savannah

use_bzip2       yes
checksums       md5     f15ac876fcdc8be865b16535f480aa54 \
                sha1    20072444ce814d0e74fd7e467d1506908f8c889c \
                rmd160  193d2ab489e61546100a57943c410deffb8d4c4b

patchfiles	patch-test-run_test.sh.diff

depends_lib	path:bin/perl:perl5

post-patch {
    file attributes ${worksrcpath}/install-sh -permissions +x

configure.perl	${prefix}/bin/perl

test.run	yes
test.target	check

livecheck.type	regex
livecheck.url	https://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases-noredirect/${name}/
livecheck.regex	${name}-(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)*)