PortSystem        1.0

name              syck
version           0.70
categories        textproc devel
platforms         darwin
maintainers       nomaintainer
description       An extension for reading and writing YAML

long_description  Syck is an extension for reading and writing YAML swiftly \
                  in popular scripting languages. As Syck loads the YAML, it \
                  stores the data directly in your language's symbol table. \
                  This means speed. This means power. This means Do not disturb \
                  Syck because it is so focused on the task at hand that it \
                  will slay you mortally if you get in its way.
homepage          https://github.com/indeyets/syck
master_sites      https://github.com/indeyets/syck/downloads
checksums         md5 198f925b4ed7fe04a182c35014498634 \
                  sha1 30f89eba1fae0546ccfa75a9a3b865a3c8a9ac79

patch.pre_args-replace  -p0 -p1
patchfiles          patch-bison-2.6.diff

use_parallel_build  no

test.run            yes
test.target         check