# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup github 1.0 PortGroup makefile 1.0 github.setup ewe2 mdate github.tarball_from archive revision 0 categories sysutils license GPL-2 platforms darwin freebsd maintainers nomaintainer description Utility that converts Gregorian dates to Mayan Long Count dates long_description {*}${description}. checksums rmd160 e723dd342ca482b72c16a7efe0e95737ce85cf2e \ sha256 6d58a8cf63c25b2b4b5b8904ba7c982f18608e8fa65436c555280699a020bcf8 \ size 123892 platform darwin { build.target target=osx } platform freebsd { build.target target=freebsd } destroot { xinstall -m 755 ${worksrcpath}/${name} ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/ xinstall -m 644 ${worksrcpath}/doc/${name}.1 ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1/ xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name} xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} \ API \ AUTHORS \ BUGS \ ChangeLog \ NEWS \ README \ Translators \ doc/${name}.html \ ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}/ }