# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup openssl 1.0 name stunnel version 5.74 revision 0 set major [lindex [split ${version} .] 0] categories security net maintainers {mps @Schamschula} openmaintainer license GPL-2+ description SSL tunneling program long_description Stunnel is a program that allows you to encrypt arbitrary \ TCP connections inside SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) available \ on both Unix and Windows. Stunnel can allow you to secure \ non-SSL aware daemons and protocols (like POP, IMAP, LDAP, \ etc) by having Stunnel provide the encryption, requiring no \ changes to the daemon's code. homepage http://www.stunnel.org/ master_sites https://www.stunnel.org/downloads/archive/${major}.x/ \ http://www.usenix.org.uk/mirrors/stunnel/archive/${major}.x/ \ http://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/networking/stunnel/archive/${major}.x/ \ http://stunnel.cybermirror.org/archive/${major}.x/ checksums rmd160 e5e5c8430de2865960e280e9c5ea99f029c6afa1 \ sha256 9bef235ab5d24a2a8dff6485dfd782ed235f4407e9bc8716deb383fc80cd6230 \ size 904360 openssl.branch no_version patchfiles patch-configure \ patch-src-client.c.diff configure.args --disable-libwrap \ --disable-silent-rules \ ac_cv_search_mi_malloc=no variant openssl1 conflicts openssl3 description (Use openssl 1.1.1) { openssl.branch 1.1 configure.args-append \ --with-ssl=[openssl::install_area] } variant openssl3 conflicts openssl1 description (Use openssl 3) { openssl.branch 3 configure.args-append \ --with-ssl=[openssl::install_area] } default_variants +openssl3 # libwrap has been reported to introduce some problems with stunnel 4.18. # See: https://trac.macports.org/ticket/11028 variant libwrap description {Include libwrap support} { depends_lib-append port:tcp_wrappers configure.args-delete --disable-libwrap } variant mimalloc description {Build with mimalloc support} { depends_lib-append port:mimalloc configure.args-delete ac_cv_search_mi_malloc=no } if {${os.arch} ne "powerpc"} { default_variants-append \ +libwrap } livecheck.type regex livecheck.url ${homepage}downloads.html livecheck.regex ${name}-(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)*)${extract.suffix}