# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup cmake 1.1 PortGroup mpi 1.0 PortGroup gitlab 1.0 PortGroup boost 1.0 gitlab.instance https://gitlab.nektar.info gitlab.setup nektar nektar 5.6.0 v boost.version 1.76 name nektarpp revision 1 categories science license MIT homepage http://www.nektar.info/ maintainers {xyloid.org:dave @mdave} openmaintainer description spectral/hp element framework long_description Nektar++ is a spectral/hp element framework which aims to be easy \ to use and support a wide range of features, including 1D, 2D and \ 3D element support, hybrid shaped elements and continuous and \ discontinuous implementations. As well as a modern C++ API, it \ ships with a range of solvers including CFD, advection-diffusion \ equations and cardiac electrophysiology. # Additional dependencies for Tetgen and Triangle master_sites ${master_sites}:main \ ${homepage}thirdparty/:thirdparty set main_distfile ${distfiles} distfiles ${main_distfile}:main checksums nektar-5.6.0.tar.bz2 \ rmd160 508cebc13a9848180f6a7e49828478cbf1537450 \ sha256 797d4b72d0fdd80efd8b8f5e2f4a1205d7f8e3fc2c6bce6dc6fd62a688ec9d50 \ size 64546056 \ # Only the full Nektar++ source should be extracted - CMake will extract any # third-party dependencies. extract.only ${main_distfile} patchfiles no-homebrew.patch compiler.cxx_standard 2011 cmake.build_type Release mpi.setup depends_lib-append port:arpack \ port:fftw-3 \ port:opencascade \ port:scotch \ port:tetgen \ port:tinyxml \ port:triangle \ port:vtk \ port:zlib # Don't build demos and tests by default. configure.args-append -DNEKTAR_BUILD_DEMOS=OFF \ -DNEKTAR_ERROR_ON_WARNINGS=OFF \ -DNEKTAR_BUILD_TESTS=OFF \ -DNEKTAR_BUILD_UNIT_TESTS=OFF \ -DNEKTAR_SOLVER_DIFFUSION=OFF \ -DNEKTAR_SOLVER_DUMMY=OFF \ -DNEKTAR_SOLVER_ELASTICITY=OFF \ -DNEKTAR_SOLVER_MMF=OFF \ -DNEKTAR_USE_ARPACK=ON \ -DNEKTAR_USE_FFTW=ON \ -DNEKTAR_USE_MESHGEN=ON \ -DNEKTAR_USE_SCOTCH=ON \ -DNEKTAR_USE_VTK=ON variant petsc description { Enable PETSc support for linear algebra solvers. } { depends_lib-append port:petsc configure.args-append \ -DNEKTAR_USE_PETSC=ON } if {[mpi_variant_isset]} { distfiles-append gsmpi-1.2.1_1.tar.bz2:thirdparty checksums-append gsmpi-1.2.1_1.tar.bz2 \ rmd160 3a1ad71c552ea9d62bebabd4ed528531f9c0eec6 \ sha256 c9bc966c92f45e81f4e9d1887dd7c59808e7a4ef9ec41e1e5f1e6c5c01745211 \ size 39737 depends_lib-append port:hdf5 require_active_variants hdf5 [mpi_variant_name] require_active_variants scotch [mpi_variant_name] configure.args-append \ -DNEKTAR_USE_HDF5=ON \ -DNEKTAR_USE_MPI=ON } variant oce description { use Community Edition version of OpenCASCADE } { depends_lib-replace port:opencascade port:oce } # NOTE: v5.2.0 looking for OCE before OpenCASCADE, disable when it doesn't required if {![variant_isset oce]} { post-patch { reinplace "/FIND_PACKAGE\(OCE /s/^/#/g" ${worksrcpath}/cmake/FindOCC.cmake } } post-extract { # Copy additional third-party sources into correct position. file mkdir ${worksrcpath}/ThirdParty foreach distfile ${distfiles} { set distfile [lindex [split ${distfile} :] 0] if {${distfile} ne ${main_distfile}} { copy ${distpath}/${distfile} ${worksrcpath}/ThirdParty/ } } } set pythons_suffixes {39 310 311 312} set pythons_ports {} foreach s ${pythons_suffixes} { lappend pythons_ports python${s} } foreach s ${pythons_suffixes} { set p python${s} set v [string index ${s} 0].[string range ${s} 1 2] set pe ${prefix}/bin/python${v} set i [lsearch -exact ${pythons_ports} ${p}] set c [lreplace ${pythons_ports} ${i} ${i}] variant ${p} description "Build the Python ${v} bindings" conflicts {*}${c} " depends_lib-append port:${p} \ port:py${s}-numpy \ port:boost[boost::version_nodot]-numpy configure.args-append -DNEKTAR_BUILD_PYTHON=ON \ -DNEKTAR_PYTHON3_STATUS=ON \ -DNEKTAR_USE_PYTHON3=ON \ -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=${pe} # Install Python libraries using setup.py. post-destroot { system -W ${build.dir}/python \"${pe} setup.py install --root=${destroot}\" } require_active_variants boost ${p} require_active_variants boost-numpy ${p} require_active_variants vtk ${p} " }