# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup golang 1.0 go.setup github.com/subpop/mqttcli 0.2.6 v # Delete this on next update to use golang PortGroup's default ('archive') github.tarball_from tarball revision 0 categories net maintainers {sub-pop.net:link @subpop} openmaintainer license GPL-3 description A simple MQTT command-line client long_description mqttcli is a program that provides two subcommands (pub \ and sub) that allow command-line level access to an MQTT \ broker. \ sub subscribes to a topic and prints messages received to \ standard output. pub publishes the provided message to the \ provided topic. Both programs accept flags that can be \ provided as a config file. checksums ${distname}${extract.suffix} \ rmd160 3a880af96eb881e881c3f978adb3e1b825617905 \ sha256 f738d082b338fadc517303f5fa83eb4c36b1227037b5b72fd08ac275c8b8d933 \ size 18159 depends_build-append port:asciidoc build.target -o ${worksrcpath} ./cmd/sub ./cmd/pub go.vendors golang.org/x/sync \ lock v0.1.0 \ rmd160 bf68702d961107a225cce561701852f129f16a3d \ sha256 50a67a11e715a61c022f218604adc63e61684de5f5db2330741077439c4ce68f \ size 19355 \ golang.org/x/net \ lock v0.23.0 \ rmd160 314021a9d4fc510f2acfbfa131810944101c66bf \ sha256 7c2b7d3c9062bc8cd529f8f1b2aa16d5a8616a90cb3cbdbf326bd5c6f0fb51f1 \ size 1509183 \ github.com/sgreben/flagvar \ lock v1.10.1 \ rmd160 934ec87e31bde9273943106c250c749b079ac834 \ sha256 e1ef55de216f294dfb4bab214419f3c0f04cbd0e8f5d6df5b526c56dbe593622 \ size 16988 \ github.com/peterbourgon/ff \ lock v3.4.0 \ rmd160 758175c6809dfdd2a5b89c087271d1674f400477 \ sha256 cbb5a4f0e9eab6a47b4ab3f6376563d43e9dd117323e0bce4d901392cae43e9c \ size 30999 \ github.com/gorilla/websocket \ lock v1.5.0 \ rmd160 ff5a4278af87e04d06521f4cf1db6fd48c0403b2 \ sha256 e26e73242d694a6a43458bec8d7e32f6a3d355539484eeb04c5b0c182dc79d9f \ size 54163 \ github.com/gobwas/glob \ lock v0.2.3 \ rmd160 1f472cf991498a8091446eb788fe85e0c5403185 \ sha256 2de3694ee0ff41a96b66f9aa3eec51048e620cdd09acc8685f18c3abcd6e14ae \ size 25971 \ github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt.golang \ lock v1.4.3 \ rmd160 8473065094a94d85e7ca09fe9a035d4ed4c6adcb \ sha256 cc8550b30332d327bb6a5c32b287e5e9d620b4b8a9f77730d26a9e48f0fd18ce \ size 111502 post-build { system "a2x --doctype manpage --format manpage --destination-dir ${worksrcpath} ${worksrcpath}/doc/sub.adoc" system "a2x --doctype manpage --format manpage --destination-dir ${worksrcpath} ${worksrcpath}/doc/pub.adoc" } destroot { xinstall -W ${worksrcpath} pub sub ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/ xinstall -W ${worksrcpath} -m 0644 pub.1 sub.1 ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1/ }