# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
PortSystem 1.0
PortGroup active_variants 1.1
name macos-fortress
version 2024.01.11
revision 0
categories net security
platforms {darwin any}
supported_archs noarch
license MIT
maintainers {ieee.org:s.t.smith @essandess} openmaintainer
homepage https://github.com/essandess/macOS-Fortress
if {${subport} ne "${name}-easylistpac"} {
use_configure no
build {}
# Use ${python.default_version}
# name consistency with ${prefix}/var/macports/sources/rsync.macports.org/macports/release/tarballs/ports/_resources/port1.0/group/python-1.0.tcl
set python_default_version 39
set python_version ${python_default_version}
set python_branch [string index ${python_version} 0].[string range ${python_version} 1 end]
set pf_conf ${prefix}/etc/${name}/pf.conf
set pf_conf_prefix "\${prefix}/etc/${name}/pf.conf"
set proxy_hostname localhost
set proxy_server
set proxy_pac_server \
set proxy_pac_directory \
set privoxyGroup privoxy
set privoxyUser privoxy
variant initialize_always \
description {Always initialize all configuration files. Intended \
for development and troubleshooting only. Working deployments \
must disable this variant to prevent configuration files \
being overwritten at the next upgrade. Existing configuration \
files are not overwritten by default.} {
ui_warn \
\tAll configuration files will be initialized because
\tthe variant +initialize_always is set. Please disable
\tthis variant for working deployments.
# Network configuration
# hard-coded examples
set interface en0
proc install_initial_configuration {args} {
foreach f_or_d ${args} {
if { [variant_isset "initialize_always"]
&& [file exists ${f_or_d}]
} {
delete ${f_or_d}.previous
move \
${f_or_d} \
if { [variant_isset "initialize_always"]
|| ![file exists ${f_or_d}]
} {
if { [file isfile ${f_or_d}.macports] } {
xinstall -m 0644 \
${f_or_d}.macports \
} elseif { [file isdirectory ${f_or_d}.macports] } {
xinstall -m 0755 -d ${f_or_d}
foreach f [glob -nocomplain ${f_or_d}.macports/*] {
xinstall -m 0644 ${f} \
${f_or_d}/[file tail ${f}]
proc patch_configuration {patchfile configfile configdefault} {
global patch.cmd patch.pre_args
# save the previous configuration
if { [file exists ${configfile}] } {
delete ${configfile}.previous
copy \
${configfile} \
# create or initialize the configfile
if { ![file exists ${configfile}] || [variant_isset "initialize_always"] } {
delete ${configfile}
if { [file exists ${configdefault}] } {
xinstall -m 0644 ${configdefault} ${configfile}
} elseif { [file exists ${configfile}.previous] } {
xinstall -m 0644 ${configfile}.previous ${configfile}
# patch the configfile if it's the default
if { [portchecksum::calc_rmd160 ${configfile}]
eq [portchecksum::calc_rmd160 ${configdefault}] } {
system \
"${patch.cmd} ${patch.pre_args} \
-f -l -N -r /dev/null ${configfile} < ${patchfile}"
} else {
ui_warn "File ${configfile} is not the default
\tand *not* being patched."
proc plutil_startup {plcmds label} {
global prefix startupitem.location
foreach cmd ${plcmds} {
system -W ${prefix}/etc/${startupitem.location}/${label} \
"/usr/bin/plutil ${cmd} ${label}.plist"
set notes_pf "The PF configuration provides an adaptive firewall\
that blocks brute force attacks, and connections from IP addresses\
provided by the crowd-sourced lists dshield and emergingthreats. PF\
uses this environment variable (with default value):
To change site-specific launchd environment variables, use the launchd plist:
set notes_proxy_privoxy \
"The proxy uses a privoxy (port 8118) along with\
CSS blocking using an nginx webserver (port 8119). Clients may be\
configured to use this proxy by either host:port or the PAC file:
set notes_proxy_squid \
"The proxy uses a chain of squid (port 3128) and\
privoxy (port 8118) along with a blackhole and CSS blocking using\
an nginx webserver (port 8119). Please note that this approach\
may not work on several browsers, including iOS Safari 15. See\
https://github.com/essandess/easylist-pac-privoxy/issues/21. The\
port ${name}-proxy with HTTPS inspection is recommended.
Clients may be configured to use this proxy by either host:port\
or the PAC file:
set notes_proxy "Domain names and a blacklist file are blocked, excluding\
whitelisted domain names. These are provised in the files:
The proxy also provides a proxy autoconfiguration (PAC) file with\
blocking rules generated from easylist ad and tracker blocks. The\
proxy uses these environment variables (with default values):
To change site-specific launchd environment variables, use the launchd plist:
The native macOS web server is used by default to host the PAC file.\
This web server must be launched independently with the command
sudo apachectl start"
if {${name} eq ${subport}} {
description Firewall, Blackhole, and Privatizing Proxy for Trackers, Attackers, Malware, Adware, and Spammers
long_description \
Kernel-level, OS-level, and client-level security \
for macOS. Built to block attacks using open \
source databases, and block ads, malicious \
scripts, and conceal information used for web \
tracking. Uses PF, dshield, emergingthreats, \
hosts file, a filtering proxy, and a proxy \
autoconfiguration (PAC) file.
variant https_inspection \
description {Use Privoxy HTTPS inspection.} {}
default_variants-append \
if { [variant_isset "https_inspection"] } {
set proxy_subport ${name}-proxy
require_active_variants ${proxy_subport} https_inspection
} else {
# proxy chain without HTTPS inspection
set proxy_subport ${name}-proxy-squid
depends_lib-append \
port:${name}-pf \
pre-build {
xinstall -d ${worksrcpath}
build {
if { [variant_isset "https_inspection"] } {
xinstall -m 0755 \
${filespath}/macosfortress_setup_check.sh \
} else {
xinstall -m 0755 \
${filespath}/macosfortress_setup_check_squid.sh \
destroot {
xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/${name} \
xinstall -m 0755 \
${worksrcpath}/macosfortress_setup_check.sh \
xinstall -m 0644 \
${filespath}/logrotate.d.macos-fortress \
xinstall -m 0644 \
${filespath}/private.myserver.launchctl-setenv.plist \
foreach cmd [list \
"s|@PREFIX@|${prefix}|g" \
"s|@NAME@|${name}|g" \
"s|@PROXY_HOSTNAME@|${proxy_hostname}|g" \
"s|@PROXY_SERVER@|${proxy_server}|g" \
"s|@PROXY_PAC_SERVER@|${proxy_pac_server}|g" \
"s|@PROXY_PAC_DIRECTORY@|${proxy_pac_directory}|g" \
] {
reinplace -q ${cmd} \
${destroot}${prefix}/bin/macosfortress_setup_check.sh \
startupitem.create \
startupitem.start \
"\${prefix}/bin/port load ${name}-pf
\t\${prefix}/bin/port load ${proxy_subport}"
startupitem.stop \
"\${prefix}/bin/port unload ${name}-pf
\t\${prefix}/bin/port unload ${proxy_subport}"
startupitem.restart \
"\${prefix}/bin/port reload ${name}-pf
\t\${prefix}/bin/port reload ${proxy_subport}"
post-activate {
# modify the launch daemons
plutil_startup [list \
"-remove KeepAlive" \
"-insert RunAtLoad -bool YES" \
"-insert StandardErrorPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
"-insert StandardOutPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
] \
notes "The port ${name} is comprised of two independent.\
configurable components: the PF firewall and the proxy chain,\
provided by the ports:
To check the status of all the dependent daemons and to see\
a count of the number of firewall attacks, run:
sudo macosfortress_setup_check.sh
sudo pf_attacks.sh
After initial installation, it is necessary to kickstart these\
launch daemons, which do not run at load:
sudo port load ${name}
sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/org.macports.${name}-dshield
sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/org.macports.${name}-emergingthreats
sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/org.macports.${name}-hosts
sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/org.macports.adblock2privoxy
if { ![variant_isset "https_inspection"] } {
notes-append ${notes_proxy_privoxy}
} else {
notes-append ${notes_proxy_squid}
notes-append ${notes_proxy}
set optional_proxy http://localhost:8080
subport ${name}-pf {
description PF Firewall with dshield, emergingthreats, and \
adaptive bruteforce blocks
long_description \
depends_lib-append \
port:${name}-dshield \
port:${name}-emergingthreats \
destroot {
xinstall -d \
${destroot}${prefix}/etc/${name} \
destroot.keepdirs \
${destroot}${prefix}/etc/${name} \
xinstall -m 0644 \
${filespath}/pf.conf \
xinstall -m 0644 \
${filespath}/blockips.conf \
xinstall -m 0755 \
${filespath}/pf_attacks.sh \
startupitem.create \
startupitems \
name ${subport} \
init "PF_CONF=\"\${PF_CONF:-${pf_conf_prefix}}\"" \
start {
"for tt in {1..4}; do \\"
"\tif \[\[ \$(/sbin/ifconfig | \${prefix}/bin/pcregrep -M -o '^\[^\\t:\]+:(\[^\\n\]|\\n\\t)*status: active' | egrep -o -m 1 '^\[^\\t:\]+') = '' \]\]; then \\"
"\t\tsleep 45; \\"
"\telse \\"
"\t\t/sbin/pfctl -Fall \\"
"\t\t&& /sbin/pfctl -ef \${PF_CONF}; \\"
"\t\tbreak; \\"
"\tfi; \\"
} \
stop { "/sbin/pfctl -d" } \
pidfile none \
name ${subport}.brutexpire \
executable /sbin/pfctl \
pidfile none \
name ${subport}.subports \
start [list \
"\${prefix}/bin/port -p load ${name}-dshield ${name}-emergingthreats" \
] \
stop [list \
"\${prefix}/bin/port -p unload ${name}-dshield unload ${name}-emergingthreats" \
] \
restart [list \
"\${prefix}/bin/port -p reload ${name}-dshield ${name}-emergingthreats" \
] \
pidfile none
post-activate {
# use network settings for installed example configuration
# route -n get default | grep 'interface:' | grep -o '[^ ]*$'
set interface [exec sh -c \
"route -n get default \
| grep 'interface:' \
| grep -o '\[^ \]*\$'"]
ui_msg "Configuring ${subport} with:
interface : ${interface}
foreach cmd [list \
"s|@PREFIX@|${prefix}|g" \
"s|@NAME@|${name}|g" \
"s|@INTERFACE@|${interface}|g" \
] {
reinplace -q ${cmd} \
foreach cmd [list \
"s|@PREFIX@|${prefix}|g" \
"s|@NAME@|${name}|g" \
] {
reinplace -q ${cmd} \
install_initial_configuration \
${prefix}/etc/${name}/blockips.conf \
# modify the launch daemons
plutil_startup [list \
"-remove KeepAlive" \
"-insert RunAtLoad -bool YES" \
"-insert StandardErrorPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
"-insert StandardOutPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
] \
# bruteforce expiration launchd daemon
plutil_startup [list \
"-insert Program -string /sbin/pfctl" \
"-replace ProgramArguments \
-xml ' \
/sbin/pfctl \
-t \
bruteforce \
-T \
expire \
604800 \
'" \
"-remove KeepAlive" \
"-insert RunAtLoad -bool NO" \
"-insert StartInterval -integer 86400" \
"-insert StandardErrorPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
"-insert StandardOutPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
] \
plutil_startup [list \
"-remove KeepAlive" \
"-insert RunAtLoad -bool YES" \
"-insert StandardErrorPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
"-insert StandardOutPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
] \
notes ${notes_pf}
subport ${name}-dshield {
PortGroup perl5 1.0
description DShield is a community-based collaborative firewall \
log correlation system.
long_description \
perl5.major 5.34
depends_run-append \
port:p${perl5.major}-data-validate-ip \
destroot {
xinstall -d \
${destroot}${prefix}/etc/${name} \
destroot.keepdirs \
${destroot}${prefix}/etc/${name} \
startupitem.create \
startupitem.name \
startupitem.start \
"\${prefix}/bin/wget -N -P \${prefix}/etc/${name} https://feeds.dshield.org/block.txt \\
\t&& ${perl5.bin} -ane 'use Data::Validate::IP; my \$vip=Data::Validate::IP->new; if (/^\\w*#/) { print; } elsif (\$vip->is_ipv4(\$F\[0\]) & \$vip->is_ipv4(\$F\[1\]) & \$F\[2\] =~ /\[\[:digit:\]\]/ & (0<= \$F\[2\] & \$F\[2\]<=32)) { print \$F\[0\], \"/\", \$F\[2\], \"\\n\"; }' \\
\t\t\${prefix}/etc/${name}/block.txt \\
\t\t> /tmp/dshield_block_ip.txt \\
\t&& install -m 644 -g admin -S /tmp/dshield_block_ip.txt \${prefix}/etc/${name}/dshield_block_ip.txt ; \\
\trm -f /tmp/dshield_block_ip.txt ; \\
\t/sbin/pfctl -a blockips -T load -f \${prefix}/etc/${name}/blockips.conf"
startupitem.pidfile \
set proxy_message \
"${startupitem.name} startupitem configured to use a proxy. Please set the
environment variables http_proxy and https_proxy and
install this port variant a sudo command that sets
these variables, e.g.:
\tsudo -E port install ${subport} +proxy_settings
\tsudo env http_proxy=${optional_proxy} https_proxy=${optional_proxy} port install ${subport} +proxy_settings
or edit the startupitem:
to change the proxy settings and reload the port."
variant proxy_settings \
description {Include proxy settings in the startupitem plist.} {
# Note: `sudo launchctl setenv` is no longer functional on macOS Ventura+
notes-append ${proxy_message}
post-activate {
if { [info exists ::env(http_proxy)] } {
set http_proxy $env(http_proxy)
} else {
set http_proxy ${optional_proxy}
if { [info exists ::env(https_proxy)] } {
set https_proxy $env(https_proxy)
} else {
set https_proxy ${http_proxy}
# modify the launch daemons
plutil_startup [list \
"-insert EnvironmentVariables \
-xml ' \
http_proxy \
${http_proxy} \
https_proxy \
${https_proxy} \
'" \
] \
ui_msg "${proxy_message}
The ${startupitem.name} startupitem is configured to use the proxy settings:
post-activate {
# modify the launch daemons
plutil_startup [list \
"-replace ProgramArguments \
-xml ' \
${prefix}/etc/${startupitem.location}/org.macports.${startupitem.name}/${subport}.wrapper \
start \
'" \
"-remove KeepAlive" \
"-insert RunAtLoad -bool NO" \
"-insert StartInterval -integer 11250" \
"-insert StandardErrorPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
"-insert StandardOutPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
] \
notes \
"The launch daemon org.macports.${subport} is configured with\
RunAtLoad false. To initialize this service at its first load, run:
sudo port load ${subport}
sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/org.macports.${subport}"
subport ${name}-emergingthreats {
description Emerging Threats rule server.
long_description \
depends_run-append \
destroot {
xinstall -d \
${destroot}${prefix}/etc/${name} \
destroot.keepdirs \
${destroot}${prefix}/etc/${name} \
startupitem.create \
startupitem.name \
startupitem.start \
"\${prefix}/bin/wget -N -P \${prefix}/etc/${name} http://rules.emergingthreats.net/fwrules/emerging-Block-IPs.txt ; \\
\t\${prefix}/bin/wget -N -P \${prefix}/etc/${name} http://rules.emergingthreats.net/blockrules/compromised-ips.txt ; \\
\t/sbin/pfctl -a blockips -T load -f \${prefix}/etc/${name}/blockips.conf"
startupitem.pidfile \
set proxy_message \
"${startupitem.name} startupitem configured to use a proxy. Please set the
environment variables http_proxy and https_proxy and
install this port variant a sudo command that sets
these variables, e.g.:
\tsudo -E port install ${subport} +proxy_settings
\tsudo env http_proxy=${optional_proxy} https_proxy=${optional_proxy} port install ${subport} +proxy_settings
or edit the startupitem:
to change the proxy settings and reload the port."
variant proxy_settings \
description {Include proxy settings in the startupitem plist.} {
# Note: `sudo launchctl setenv` is no longer functional on macOS Ventura+
notes-append ${proxy_message}
post-activate {
if { [info exists ::env(http_proxy)] } {
set http_proxy $env(http_proxy)
} else {
set http_proxy ${optional_proxy}
if { [info exists ::env(https_proxy)] } {
set https_proxy $env(https_proxy)
} else {
set https_proxy ${http_proxy}
# modify the launch daemons
plutil_startup [list \
"-insert EnvironmentVariables \
-xml ' \
http_proxy \
${http_proxy} \
https_proxy \
${https_proxy} \
'" \
] \
ui_msg "${proxy_message}
The ${startupitem.name} startupitem is configured to use the proxy settings:
post-activate {
# modify the launch daemons
plutil_startup [list \
"-replace ProgramArguments \
-xml ' \
${prefix}/etc/${startupitem.location}/org.macports.${startupitem.name}/${subport}.wrapper \
start \
'" \
"-remove KeepAlive" \
"-insert RunAtLoad -bool NO" \
"-insert StartInterval -integer 47250" \
"-insert StandardErrorPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
"-insert StandardOutPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
] \
notes "The launch daemon org.macports.${subport} is configured with\
RunAtLoad false. To initialize this service at its first load, run:
sudo port load ${subport}
sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/org.macports.${subport}"
subport ${name}-proxy {
description Blackhole and Privatizing Proxy.
long_description \
{*}${description} The proxy uses Privoxy and adblock2privoxy.
conflicts ${name}-proxy-squid
depends_lib-append \
port:${name}-hosts \
port:${name}-proxypac \
port:adblock2privoxy \
variant https_inspection \
description {Use Privoxy HTTPS inspection.} {
require_active_variants privoxy https_inspection
require_active_variants adblock2privoxy https_inspection
default_variants-append \
# privoxy patch file creation
## mkdir privoxy-orig privoxy-new
## sudo cp ${prefix}/etc/privoxy/config.new privoxy-orig/config
## sudo cp ${prefix}/etc/privoxy/match-all.action.new privoxy-orig/match-all.action
## sudo cp ${prefix}/etc/privoxy/config.new privoxy-new/config
## sudo cp ${prefix}/etc/privoxy/match-all.action.new privoxy-new/match-all.action
## sudo chown `whoami` privoxy-orig/config privoxy-new/config privoxy-orig/match-all.action privoxy-new/match-all.action
## patch -p0 -f -l -N privoxy-new/config < ${prefix}/var/macports/sources/rsync.macports.org/macports/release/tarballs/ports/net/macos-fortress/files/privoxy-config.patch
## patch -p0 -f -l -N privoxy-new/match-all.action < ${prefix}/var/macports/sources/rsync.macports.org/macports/release/tarballs/ports/net/macos-fortress/files/privoxy-match-all.action.patch
## diff -NaurdwB -I '^ *#' ./privoxy-orig/config ./privoxy-new/config | sed -E -e 's/\.\/privoxy-(orig|new)\/(config)(\.[[:alnum:]]+)*/\.\/config/' | sed -E -e 's|/opt/local|@PREFIX@|g' > ~/Downloads/privoxy-config.patch
## diff -NaurdwB -I '^ *#' ./privoxy-orig/match-all.action ./privoxy-new/match-all.action | sed -E -e 's/\.\/privoxy-(orig|new)\/(config)(\.[[:alnum:]]+)*/\.\/config/' | sed -E -e 's|/opt/local|@PREFIX@|g' > ~/Downloads/privoxy-match-all.action.patch
destroot {
xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/${name}
xinstall -m 0644 \
${filespath}/privoxy-config.patch \
foreach cmd [list \
"s|@PREFIX@|${prefix}|g" \
"s|@PROXY_HOSTNAME@|${proxy_hostname}|g" \
"s|@PROXY_SERVER@|${proxy_server}|g" \
] {
reinplace -q ${cmd} \
startupitem.create \
startupitems \
name ${subport} \
start [list \
"\${prefix}/bin/port -p load ${name}-hosts privoxy adblock2privoxy" \
] \
stop [list \
"\${prefix}/bin/port -p unload ${name}-hosts privoxy adblock2privoxy" \
] \
restart [list \
"\${prefix}/bin/port -p reload ${name}-hosts privoxy adblock2privoxy" \
] \
pidfile none
post-activate {
patch_configuration \
${prefix}/share/${name}/privoxy-config.patch \
${prefix}/etc/privoxy/config \
file attributes ${prefix}/etc/privoxy/config \
-group ${privoxyGroup} -owner ${privoxyUser}
# modify the launch daemons
plutil_startup [list \
"-remove KeepAlive" \
"-insert RunAtLoad -bool YES" \
"-insert StandardErrorPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
"-insert StandardOutPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
] \
notes ${notes_proxy_privoxy}
notes-append \
subport ${name}-proxy-squid {
description Blackhole and Privatizing Proxy using Squid and easylist-pac.
long_description \
{*}${description} The proxy uses Squid, Privoxy, \
adblock2privoxy, and easylist-pac.
conflicts ${name}-proxy
set squid_major_version 5
depends_lib-append \
port:${name}-easylistpac \
port:${name}-hosts \
port:adblock2privoxy \
port:privoxy \
# squid patch file creation
## export prefix=${prefix}
## mkdir squid-orig squid-new
## cp ${prefix}/etc/squid/squid.conf.documented squid-orig/squid.conf
## cp ${prefix}/etc/squid/squid.conf.documented squid-new/squid.conf
## patch -p0 -f -l -N squid-new/squid.conf < ${prefix}/var/macports/sources/rsync.macports.org/macports/release/tarballs/ports/net/macos-fortress/files/squid-squid.conf.patch
## sed -E -i -e 's|/opt/local|@PREFIX@|g' squid-orig/squid.conf
## diff -NaurdwB -I '^ *#' ./squid-orig/squid.conf ./squid-new/squid.conf | sed -E -e 's/\.\/squid-(orig|new)\/(squid.conf)(\.[[:alnum:]]+)*/\.\/squid.conf/' | sed -E -e 's|/opt/local|@PREFIX@|g' > ~/Downloads/squid-squid.conf.patch
# privoxy patch file creation
## mkdir privoxy-orig privoxy-new
## sudo cp ${prefix}/etc/privoxy/config.new privoxy-orig/config
## sudo cp ${prefix}/etc/privoxy/match-all.action.new privoxy-orig/match-all.action
## sudo cp ${prefix}/etc/privoxy/config.new privoxy-new/config
## sudo cp ${prefix}/etc/privoxy/match-all.action.new privoxy-new/match-all.action
## sudo chown `whoami` privoxy-orig/config privoxy-new/config privoxy-orig/match-all.action privoxy-new/match-all.action
## patch -p0 -f -l -N privoxy-new/config < ${prefix}/var/macports/sources/rsync.macports.org/macports/release/tarballs/ports/net/macos-fortress/files/privoxy-config.patch
## patch -p0 -f -l -N privoxy-new/match-all.action < ${prefix}/var/macports/sources/rsync.macports.org/macports/release/tarballs/ports/net/macos-fortress/files/privoxy-match-all.action.patch
## diff -NaurdwB -I '^ *#' ./privoxy-orig/config ./privoxy-new/config | sed -E -e 's/\.\/privoxy-(orig|new)\/(config)(\.[[:alnum:]]+)*/\.\/config/' | sed -E -e 's|/opt/local|@PREFIX@|g' > ~/Downloads/privoxy-config.patch
## diff -NaurdwB -I '^ *#' ./privoxy-orig/match-all.action ./privoxy-new/match-all.action | sed -E -e 's/\.\/privoxy-(orig|new)\/(config)(\.[[:alnum:]]+)*/\.\/config/' | sed -E -e 's|/opt/local|@PREFIX@|g' > ~/Downloads/privoxy-match-all.action.patch
destroot {
xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/${name}
xinstall -m 0644 \
${filespath}/squid-squid.conf.patch \
${filespath}/privoxy-config.patch \
foreach cmd [list \
"s|@PREFIX@|${prefix}|g" \
"s|@PROXY_HOSTNAME@|${proxy_hostname}|g" \
"s|@PROXY_SERVER@|${proxy_server}|g" \
] {
reinplace -q ${cmd} \
${destroot}${prefix}/share/${name}/squid-squid.conf.patch \
startupitem.create \
startupitems \
name ${subport} \
start [list \
"\${prefix}/bin/port -p load ${name}-hosts squid${squid_major_version} privoxy adblock2privoxy ${name}-easylistpac" \
] \
stop [list \
"\${prefix}/bin/port -p unload ${name}-hosts squid${squid_major_version} privoxy adblock2privoxy ${name}-easylistpac" \
] \
restart [list \
"\${prefix}/bin/port -p reload ${name}-hosts squid${squid_major_version} privoxy adblock2privoxy ${name}-easylistpac" \
] \
pidfile none \
name ${subport}.squid-rotate \
executable ${prefix}/sbin/squid \
pidfile none
post-activate {
patch_configuration \
${prefix}/share/${name}/squid-squid.conf.patch \
${prefix}/etc/squid/squid.conf \
patch_configuration \
${prefix}/share/${name}/privoxy-config.patch \
${prefix}/etc/privoxy/config \
file attributes ${prefix}/etc/privoxy/config \
-group ${privoxyGroup} -owner ${privoxyUser}
# modify the launch daemons
plutil_startup [list \
"-remove KeepAlive" \
"-insert RunAtLoad -bool YES" \
"-insert StandardErrorPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
"-insert StandardOutPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
] \
# bruteforce expiration launchd daemon
plutil_startup [list \
"-insert Program -string ${prefix}/sbin/squid" \
"-replace ProgramArguments \
-xml ' \
/bin/bash \
-c \
${prefix}/sbin/squid -k rotate ; find ${prefix}/var/squid/logs -mindepth 1 -mtime +30 -exec rm {} ';'
'" \
"-remove KeepAlive" \
"-insert StartCalendarInterval \
-xml ' \
Hour \
0 \
'" \
] \
notes ${notes_proxy_squid}
notes-append \
subport ${name}-proxypac {
description Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) file.
long_description {*}${description}
conflicts ${name}-easylistpac
destroot {
xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/${name}
xinstall -m 0644 ${filespath}/proxy.pac \
reinplace -q "s|@PROXY_SERVER@|${proxy_server}|g" \
post-activate {
install_initial_configuration \
if { ![file isfile ${proxy_pac_directory}/proxy.pac] } {
xinstall -m 0644 ${prefix}/etc/${name}/proxy.pac \
notes "The location of the proxy autoconfiguration (PAC)\
file and the web server IP address are specified by the\
environment variables (with default values):
To change site-specific launchd environment variables,\
use the launchd plist:
The native macOS Web Server must be started with the command:
sudo apachectl start"
subport ${name}-easylistpac {
PortGroup github 1.0
github.setup essandess easylist-pac-privoxy a357cd2e94b9d6b272816a151e35e94149636eef
# Change github.tarball_from to 'releases' or 'archive' next update
github.tarball_from tarball
version 2020.12.13
revision 0
description EasyList Tracker and Adblocks to Proxy Auto Configuration (PAC) File
long_description \
Converts EasyList tracker and ad blocking rules to \
efficient network-level blocks in a proxy.pac file \
for automatic proxy network configurations and \
Privoxy proxy servers. Easily incorporates \
multiple blocking rulesets into both PAC and \
Privoxy formats, including easyprivacy.txt, \
easylist.txt, fanboy-annoyance.txt, \
fanboy-social.txt, antiadblockfilters.txt, \
malwaredomains_full.txt, and the anti-spamware \
list adblock-list.txt.
homepage https://github.com/essandess/easylist-pac-privoxy
checksums rmd160 92ce0639836baa6656f428930f651d10147b7ee3 \
sha256 288b66426814c338857dcda483b044e6659c3dfde1779bdc6e5a7969a07faff2 \
size 82943
conflicts ${name}-proxypac
depends_lib-append \
port:adblock2privoxy \
port:python${python_version} \
port:py${python_version}-matplotlib \
port:py${python_version}-numpy \
destroot {
xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/${name}
xinstall -m 0755 -W ${worksrcpath} easylist_pac.py \
xinstall -m 0644 proxy.pac \
reinplace -E \
"1s|env\[\[:space:\]\]+python3|env ${prefix}/bin/python${python_branch}|" \
startupitem.create \
startupitem.name \
startupitem.init \
test -f \"\${PROXY_PAC_DIRECTORY}/proxy.pac.orig\" \\
\t|| install -m 0644 -S \"\${PROXY_PAC_DIRECTORY}/proxy.pac\" \"\${PROXY_PAC_DIRECTORY}/proxy.pac.orig\""
startupitem.start \
"\"\${prefix}/bin/easylist_pac.py\" \\
\t\t-p \"\${PROXY_PAC_SERVER}:3128\" -b \"\${PROXY_PAC_SERVER}:8119\" \\
\t\t-d \"\${prefix}/etc/${name}\" \\
\t\t-P \"\${PROXY_PAC_DIRECTORY}/proxy.pac.orig\" \\
\t&& install -m 0644 -g admin -S \"\${prefix}/etc/${name}/proxy.pac\" \\
startupitem.pidfile \
post-activate {
install_initial_configuration \
if { ![file isfile ${proxy_pac_directory}/proxy.pac] } {
xinstall -m 0644 ${prefix}/etc/${name}/proxy.pac \
# modify the launch daemons
plutil_startup [list \
"-replace ProgramArguments \
-xml ' \
${prefix}/etc/${startupitem.location}/org.macports.${startupitem.name}/${subport}.wrapper \
start \
'" \
"-remove KeepAlive" \
"-insert RunAtLoad -bool NO" \
"-insert StartCalendarInterval \
-xml ' \
Weekday \
7 \
Hour \
1 \
Minute \
10 \
'" \
"-insert StandardErrorPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
"-insert StandardOutPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
] \
notes "The location of the proxy autoconfiguration (PAC)\
file and the web server IP address are specified by the\
environment variables (with default values):
To change site-specific launchd environment variables,\
use the launchd plist:
The native macOS Web Server must be started with the command:
sudo apachectl start
The launch daemon org.macports.${subport} is configured with\
RunAtLoad false. To initialize this service at its first load, run:
sudo port load ${subport}
sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/org.macports.${subport}"
subport ${name}-hosts {
PortGroup perl5 1.0
description A community managed and maintained hosts file.
long_description \
${subport} is a community managed and maintained \
hosts file that allows an additional layer of \
protection against access to ad, tracking, and \
malicious websites.
perl5.major 5.34
depends_run-append \
port:p${perl5.major}-data-validate-domain \
destroot {
xinstall -d \
${destroot}${prefix}/etc/${name} \
destroot.keepdirs \
${destroot}${prefix}/etc/${name} \
# N.b. do *not* use filename "hosts.orig" because mprsyncup uses
# `rsync -aIC`. The -C flag causes .orig files to be excluded
foreach f { blacklist.txt hosts-orig whitelist.txt } {
xinstall -m 0644 \
${filespath}/${f} \
xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/${name}/hphosts
xinstall -m 0644 \
${filespath}/hphosts-hosts_20180316.txt.bz2 \
${filespath}/hphosts-partial_20190815.asp.bz2 \
${filespath}/hphosts-ad_servers_20170602.txt.bz2 \
startupitem.create \
startupitem.name \
startupitem.init \
"function hosts_block_add () {
\tprintf \"\\n# \$1\\n\" \\
\t\t>> \"/tmp/${subport}/hosts-block.txt\"
\t\"\$3\" \"\${prefix}/etc/macos-fortress/\$2\" \\
\t\t| tr -d '\\r' \\
\t\t| ${perl5.bin} -ane 'use POSIX; use Data::Validate::Domain qw(is_domain); { if (/'\"\$4\"'/) { print qq#\\t\$1\\n# if is_domain(\$1); } elsif (/^\\s*#/) { print; } }' \\
\t\t\t>> \"/tmp/${subport}/hosts-block.txt\"
function hosts_block_wget_and_add () {
\t\${prefix}/bin/wget -N -P \"\${prefix}/etc/macos-fortress/\$2\" \"\$1\"
\thosts_block_add \"\$1\" \"\$2/\$(basename \$1)\" \"\$3\" \"\$4\"
startupitem.start \
"( test -f \${prefix}/etc/${name}/hosts-orig \\
\t\t|| install -m 0644 -S /etc/hosts \${prefix}/etc/${name}/hosts-orig )
\t( test -d /tmp/${subport} || mkdir /tmp/${subport} )
\tcp \${prefix}/etc/${name}/hosts-orig /tmp/${subport}/hosts
\t( test -f \${prefix}/etc/${name}/whitelist.txt \\
\t\t|| printf '\\n# whitelisted hosts (FQDN and DN) will be deleted from ${subport}\\n#\\n' \\
\t\t\t> \${prefix}/etc/${name}/whitelist.txt )
\t# empty hosts-block.txt
\t> \"/tmp/${subport}/hosts-block.txt\"
\thosts_block_wget_and_add \\
\t\thttps://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/hosts \\
\t\tStevenBlack \\
\t\tcat \\
\thosts_block_wget_and_add \\
\t\thttps://mirror1.malwaredomains.com/files/justdomains \\
\t\tmalwaredomains \\
\t\tcat \\
\thosts_block_wget_and_add \\
\t\thttps://sysctl.org/cameleon/hosts \\
\t\tcameleon \\
\t\tcat \\
\thosts_block_wget_and_add \\
\t\thttps://s3.amazonaws.com/lists.disconnect.me/simple_tracking.txt \\
\t\tdisconnect \\
\t\tcat \\
\thosts_block_wget_and_add \\
\t\thttps://s3.amazonaws.com/lists.disconnect.me/simple_ad.txt \\
\t\tdisconnect \\
\t\tcat \\
\thosts_block_add \\
\t\t'http://hosts-file.net/download/hosts.zip \[no longer maintained\]' \\
\t\thphosts/hphosts-hosts_20180316.txt.bz2 \\
\t\tbzcat \\
\thosts_block_add \\
\t\t'http://hosts-file.net/hphosts-partial.asp \[no longer maintained\]' \\
\t\thphosts/hphosts-partial_20190815.asp.bz2 \\
\t\tbzcat \\
\thosts_block_add \\
\t\t'https://hosts-file.net/ad_servers.txt \[no longer maintained\]' \\
\t\thphosts/hphosts-ad_servers_20170602.txt.bz2 \\
\t\tbzcat \\
\tegrep -v -e '^(127\\.0\\.0\\.1|::1)\\s+localhost\$' \"/tmp/${subport}/hosts-block.txt\" \\
\t\t> \"/tmp/${subport}/hosts-block-\$\$.txt\" \\
\t\t&& mv \"/tmp/${subport}/hosts-block-\$\$.txt\" \"/tmp/${subport}/hosts-block.txt\"
\t# ordered unique lines
\tawk '!x\[\$0\]++' \"/tmp/${subport}/hosts-block.txt\" \\
\t\t> \"/tmp/${subport}/hosts-block-\$\$.txt\" \\
\t\t&& mv \"/tmp/${subport}/hosts-block-\$\$.txt\" \"/tmp/${subport}/hosts-block.txt\"
\t( test -f \${prefix}/etc/${name}/blacklist.txt \\
\t\t&& cat \${prefix}/etc/${name}/blacklist.txt \\
\t\t>> \"/tmp/${subport}/hosts\" )
\tgrep -v -E \"\$(${perl5.bin} -ane 'BEGIN{\$s=qw#\\\\s+(#}; { if (!/^\\w*#/&length(\$F\[0\])>0){\$s = \$s . \$F\[0\] . qw(|);}} END{\$s = substr(\$s,0,length(\$s)-1) . qw#)\\\\s*#; \$s=~s/\\\\./\\\\\\\\./g; print \$s;}' \${prefix}/etc/${name}/whitelist.txt)\" /tmp/${subport}/hosts-block.txt \\
\t\t>> /tmp/${subport}/hosts
\tinstall -m 0644 -S \"/tmp/${subport}/hosts\" \"\${prefix}/etc/${name}/${subport}\"
\trm -r \"/tmp/${subport}\"
\tprintf \"# Privoxy block of hosts from ${prefix}/etc/${name}/${subport}\\n{ +block{Blocked hosts from ${subport}.} }\\n\" \\
\t\t> /tmp/${subport}.action
\t# Privoxy blocked hosts action file
\tcat \"\${prefix}/etc/macos-fortress/${subport}\" \\
\t\t| grep -E -v '^\[\[:space:]]*(#|\$)' \\
\t\t| grep -E -v '^(127\\.0\\.0\\.1|255\\.255\\.255\\.255|::1)\[\[:space:]]+(localhost|broadcasthost)' \\
\t\t| sed -E -e 's/^(127\\.0\\.0\\.1|0\\.0\\.0\\.0)\[\[:space:]]+(\[^\[:space:]]+)\$/\\2/' \\
\t\t>> \"/tmp/${subport}.action\"
\tinstall -m 0644 -S \"/tmp/${subport}.action\" \"\${prefix}/etc/${name}/${subport}.action\"
\trm \"/tmp/${subport}.action\""
startupitem.stop \
startupitem.pidfile \
set proxy_message \
"${startupitem.name} startupitem configured to use a proxy. Please set the
environment variables http_proxy and https_proxy and
install this port variant a sudo command that sets
these variables, e.g.:
\tsudo -E port install ${subport} +proxy_settings
\tsudo env http_proxy=${optional_proxy} https_proxy=${optional_proxy} port install ${subport} +proxy_settings
or edit the startupitem:
to change the proxy settings and reload the port."
variant proxy_settings \
description {Include proxy settings in the startupitem plist.} {
# Note: `sudo launchctl setenv` is no longer functional on macOS Ventura+
notes-append ${proxy_message}
post-activate {
if { [info exists ::env(http_proxy)] } {
set http_proxy $env(http_proxy)
} else {
set http_proxy ${optional_proxy}
if { [info exists ::env(https_proxy)] } {
set https_proxy $env(https_proxy)
} else {
set https_proxy ${http_proxy}
# modify the launch daemons
plutil_startup [list \
"-insert EnvironmentVariables \
-xml ' \
http_proxy \
${http_proxy} \
https_proxy \
${https_proxy} \
'" \
] \
ui_msg "${proxy_message}
The ${startupitem.name} startupitem is configured to use the proxy settings:
post-activate {
install_initial_configuration \
${prefix}/etc/${name}/blacklist.txt \
${prefix}/etc/${name}/hosts-orig \
# modify the launch daemons
plutil_startup [list \
"-replace ProgramArguments \
-xml ' \
${prefix}/etc/${startupitem.location}/org.macports.${startupitem.name}/${subport}.wrapper \
start \
'" \
"-remove KeepAlive" \
"-insert RunAtLoad -bool NO" \
"-insert StartInterval -integer 86850" \
"-insert StandardErrorPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
"-insert StandardOutPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
] \
notes "The launch daemon org.macports.${subport} is configured with\
RunAtLoad false. To initialize this service at its first load, run:
sudo port load ${subport}
sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/org.macports.${subport}"
if { [variant_isset "initialize_always"] } {
if {[exists notes]} {
# leave a blank line after the existing notes
notes-append ""
notes-append \
"The variant +initialize_always is set, which initializes\
all configuration files. Please disable this variant for\
working deployments."