# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup debug 1.0 epoch 1 name grass version 8.4.1 revision 0 maintainers {yahoo.com:n_larsson @nilason} openmaintainer categories gis license GPL-2+ description GRASS Geographic Information System long_description GRASS GIS offers powerful raster, vector, and geospatial \ processing engines in a single integrated software suite. \ It includes tools for terrain and ecosystem modeling, \ hydrology, visualization of raster and vector data, \ management and analysis of geospatial data, and the \ processing of satellite and aerial imagery. It comes with \ a temporal framework for advanced time series processing \ and a Python API for rapid geospatial programming. \ GRASS GIS has been optimized for performance and large \ geospatial data analysis.\nInstall the port `grass-gui` \ to enable graphical user interface. homepage https://grass.osgeo.org master_sites ${homepage}/grass[join [lrange [split ${version} .] 0 1] {}]/source/ checksums rmd160 8892e0067af6143986c2ad87ab55fa45e1247ed5 \ sha256 d17dcf67e7c9bcd7103d53f4ba46a9d88430d84c6ce1350650b7021d62db0864 \ size 69956380 depends_build-append \ port:bison \ port:flex \ port:pkgconfig depends_lib-append port:bzip2 \ path:lib/pkgconfig/cairo.pc:cairo \ port:fftw-3 \ port:freetype \ port:gdal \ port:geos \ port:liblas \ port:libpng \ port:libsvm \ port:pdal \ port:readline \ port:sqlite3 \ port:tiff \ port:zlib patchfiles 01_patch-dyld-link.diff \ 02_grass-python.diff # c++17 needed for PDAL 2.4+ compiler.cxx_standard 2017 configure.cxxflags-append -std=c++17 configure.cflags-append -DGL_SILENCE_DEPRECATION configure.pre_args-append \ --prefix=${prefix}/lib configure.args-append \ --exec-prefix=${prefix} \ --with-blas=no \ --with-bzlib \ --with-bzlib-includes=${prefix}/include \ --with-bzlib-libs=${prefix}/lib \ --with-cairo \ --with-cairo-includes=${prefix}/include/cairo \ --with-cairo-libs=${prefix}/lib \ --with-fftw-includes=${prefix}/include \ --with-fftw-libs=${prefix}/lib \ --with-freetype \ --with-freetype-includes=${prefix}/include/freetype2 \ --with-freetype-libs=${prefix}/lib \ --with-gdal=${prefix}/bin/gdal-config \ --with-geos=${prefix}/bin/geos-config \ --with-lapack=no \ --with-liblas=${prefix}/bin/liblas-config \ --with-libsvm=yes \ --with-mysql=no \ --with-opencl=no \ --with-opengl=osx \ --with-openmp=no \ --with-pdal=${prefix}/bin/pdal-config \ --with-postgres=no \ --with-pthread \ --with-readline \ --with-readline-includes=${prefix}/include/readline \ --with-readline-libs=${prefix}/lib \ --with-sqlite \ --with-sqlite-includes=${prefix}/include \ --with-sqlite-libs=${prefix}/lib \ --with-tiff-includes=${prefix}/include \ --with-tiff-libs=${prefix}/lib \ --with-zstd \ --with-zstd-includes=${prefix}/include \ --with-zstd-libs=${prefix}/lib \ --with-x=no set python_suffixes {39 310 311 312 313} # keep python_default in sync with qgis3 set python_default 312 if {${subport} eq ${name}} { build.target default variant gui description {Obsolete variant} { ui_error "The '+gui' variant is removed. It is replaced by 'grass-gui' subport" return -code error "unsupported variant" } variant mysql57 conflicts mysql8 description {Add MySQL 5.7 support} { depends_lib-append port:mysql57 configure.args-delete --with-mysql=no --with-mysql=yes configure.args-append --with-mysql-includes=${prefix}/include/mysql57/mysql \ --with-mysql-libs=${prefix}/lib/mysql57/mysql configure.env-append MYSQLD_CONFIG=${prefix}/lib/mysql57/bin/mysql_config } variant mysql8 conflicts mysql57 description {Add MySQL 8 support} { depends_lib-append port:mysql8 configure.args-replace --with-mysql=no --with-mysql=yes configure.args-append --with-mysql-includes=${prefix}/include/mysql8/mysql \ --with-mysql-libs=${prefix}/lib/mysql8/mysql configure.env-append MYSQLD_CONFIG=${prefix}/lib/mysql8/bin/mysql_config } variant openblas description {Use OpenBLAS for BLAS/LAPACK} { depends_lib-append port:openblas configure.args-replace --with-blas=no --with-blas=yes \ --with-lapack=no --with-lapack=yes configure.args-append --with-liblas=${prefix}/bin/liblas-config \ --with-lapack-includes=${prefix}/include \ --with-lapack-libs=${prefix}/lib } variant openmp description {Add OpenMP support} { depends_lib-append port:libomp configure.args-replace --with-openmp=no --with-openmp=yes configure.args-append --with-openmp-includes=${prefix}/include/libomp \ --with-openmp-libs=${prefix}/lib/libomp compiler.openmp_version 4.0 } # PostGreSQL variants set postgresql_versions {12 13 14 15 16} set postgresql_variants {} foreach pg_version ${postgresql_versions} { lappend postgresql_variants postgresql${pg_version} } foreach pg_version ${postgresql_versions} { set vrt postgresql${pg_version} set index [lsearch -exact ${postgresql_variants} ${vrt}] set conf [lreplace ${postgresql_variants} ${index} ${index}] variant ${vrt} description "Use PostgreSQL ${pg_version}" conflicts {*}${conf} " depends_lib-append port:${vrt} configure.args-append --with-postgres-includes=${prefix}/include/${vrt} \ --with-postgres-libs=${prefix}/lib/${vrt} configure.args-replace --with-postgres=no --with-postgres=yes " } # set PostGreSQL default variant set pgdefault "if {" foreach pg_version ${postgresql_versions} { set pgdefault "${pgdefault}!\[variant_isset postgresql${pg_version}\] && " } set pgdefault [string range ${pgdefault} 0 end-4] set pgdefault "${pgdefault}} { default_variants +postgresql${pg_version} }" eval ${pgdefault} # PROJ variants set proj_versions {6 7 8 9} set proj_variants {} foreach pjver ${proj_versions} { lappend proj_variants proj${pjver} } foreach proj_ver ${proj_versions} { set index [lsearch -exact ${proj_variants} proj${proj_ver}] set cflcts [lreplace ${proj_variants} ${index} ${index}] variant proj${proj_ver} description "Use Proj${proj_ver}" conflicts {*}${cflcts} " depends_lib-append port:proj${proj_ver} configure.env PATH=$::env(PATH):${prefix}/lib/proj${proj_ver}/bin build.env PATH=$::env(PATH):${prefix}/lib/proj${proj_ver}/bin configure.args-append --with-proj-includes=${prefix}/lib/proj${proj_ver}/include \ --with-proj-libs=${prefix}/lib/proj${proj_ver}/lib \ --with-proj-share=${prefix}/lib/proj${proj_ver}/share/proj " } # set PROJ default variant set projdf "if {" foreach pv ${proj_versions} { set projdf "${projdf}!\[variant_isset proj${pv}\] && " } set projdf [string range ${projdf} 0 end-4] set projdf "${projdf}} { default_variants +proj${pv} }" eval ${projdf} # Python variants set python_variants {} foreach pyver ${python_suffixes} { lappend python_variants python${pyver} } foreach pyver ${python_suffixes} { set py_dot_ver [string index ${pyver} 0].[string range ${pyver} 1 end] set index [lsearch -exact ${python_variants} python${pyver}] set conf [lreplace ${python_variants} ${index} ${index}] variant python${pyver} description "Use Python ${py_dot_ver}" conflicts {*}${conf} " depends_lib-append port:python${pyver} \ port:py${pyver}-Pillow \ port:py${pyver}-numpy \ port:py${pyver}-six depends_run-append port:py${pyver}-psycopg2 " } # Patches scripts to launch the selected Python version (fixes #59954) post-patch { foreach pyver ${python_suffixes} { if {[variant_isset python${pyver}]} { set pyversion [string index ${pyver} 0].[string range ${pyver} 1 end] set pybin ${prefix}/bin/python${pyversion} fs-traverse f ${worksrcpath} { if {[file extension ${f}] eq ".py"} { reinplace -q "s|/usr/bin/env python3|${pybin}|" ${f} } } reinplace "s|PYVER.*|PYVER = ${pyversion}|" ${worksrcpath}/macosx/Makefile reinplace "s|^PYTHON.*|PYTHON = ${pybin}|" ${worksrcpath}/include/Make/Platform.make.in } } reinplace "s|@PYBIN@|${pybin}|" ${worksrcpath}/lib/init/grass.py } # set Python default variant set pydefault "if {" foreach suffix ${python_suffixes} { set pydefault "${pydefault}!\[variant_isset python${suffix}\] && " } set pydefault [string range ${pydefault} 0 end-4] set pydefault "${pydefault}} { default_variants +python${python_default} }" eval ${pydefault} post-configure { reinplace -E "s|\\\$\\\(CPPFLAGS)| \$(CPPFLAGS) \ \\\\\"-Drestrict=\\\\\" \\\\\"-D__attribute__(x)=\\\\\" \\\\\"-D_Nonnull=\\\\\" \ \\\\\"-Dint8_t=char\\\\\" \\\\\"-DCF_INLINE=\\\\\" \\\\\"-D_Null_unspecified=\\\\\" \ \\\\\"-D__DARWIN_OS_INLINE=\\\\\"|" ${worksrcpath}/python/libgrass_interface_generator/Makefile } post-destroot { xinstall -d -m 0755 ${destroot}${prefix}/share/pkgconfig xinstall -m 0644 -W ${worksrcpath} grass.pc ${destroot}${prefix}/share/pkgconfig/grass.pc } livecheck.type regex livecheck.url ${master_sites} livecheck.regex grass-(\[0-9.\]+)[quotemeta ${extract.suffix}] } subport grass-gui { PortGroup active_variants 1.1 epoch 0 revision 0 description GUI support to GRASS Geographic Information System long_description {*}${description}, includes wxPython and application bundle. platforms {darwin any} supported_archs noarch depends_build depends_lib port:grass use_configure no build {} # Python variants set python_suffixes {39 310 311 312 313} set py_grass [lindex $python_suffixes end] set py_variant ${py_grass} foreach pyver ${python_suffixes} { if {![catch {set result [active_variants grass python${pyver}]}]} { if {$result} { set py_grass ${pyver} } } if {[variant_isset python${pyver}]} { set py_variant ${pyver} } } if {${py_grass} ne ${py_variant}} { ui_warn "'${subport}' Python variant must be the same as for the active\ version of 'grass'. Change +python${py_variant} to +python${py_grass}." } set python_variants {} foreach pyver ${python_suffixes} { lappend python_variants python${pyver} } foreach pyver ${python_suffixes} { set py_dot_ver [string index ${pyver} 0].[string range ${pyver} 1 end] set index [lsearch -exact ${python_variants} python${pyver}] set conf [lreplace ${python_variants} ${index} ${index}] variant python${pyver} description "Use Python ${py_dot_ver}" conflicts {*}${conf} " depends_run-append port:py${py_grass}-matplotlib \ port:py${py_grass}-termcolor \ port:py${py_grass}-wxpython-4.0 " } # set Python default variant set pydefault "if {" foreach suffix ${python_suffixes} { set pydefault "${pydefault}!\[variant_isset python${suffix}\] && " } set pydefault [string range ${pydefault} 0 end-4] set pydefault "${pydefault}} { default_variants +python${python_default} }" eval ${pydefault} # Create app bundle global app_name set app_name_version [join [lrange [split ${version} "."] 0 1] "."] set app_name GRASS-${app_name_version}.app destroot { xinstall -d -m 0755 ${worksrcpath}/${app_name}/Contents xinstall -d -m 0755 ${worksrcpath}/${app_name}/Contents/Resources xinstall -d -m 0755 ${worksrcpath}/${app_name}/Contents/MacOS set script [open "${worksrcpath}/${app_name}/Contents/MacOS/GRASS" w 0755] puts ${script} "#!/usr/bin/osascript" puts ${script} "" puts ${script} "tell application \"Terminal\" to do script \"${prefix}/bin/grass --gui; exit\"" close ${script} copy ${worksrcpath}/macosx/app/AppIcon.icns \ ${worksrcpath}/${app_name}/Contents/Resources/AppIcon.icns copy ${worksrcpath}/macosx/app/GRASSDocument_gxw.icns \ ${worksrcpath}/${app_name}/Contents/Resources/GRASSDocument_gxw.icns set info_plist ${worksrcpath}/${app_name}/Contents/Info.plist copy ${worksrcpath}/macosx/app/Info.plist.in ${info_plist} set version_file [open ${worksrcpath}/include/VERSION] set version_data [split [read ${version_file}] "\n"] close ${version_file} set grass_version_major [lindex ${version_data} 0] set grass_version_minor [lindex ${version_data} 1] set grass_version_date [lindex ${version_data} 3] set bundle_version [join [lrange ${version_data} 0 2] "."] reinplace "s|@GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR@|${grass_version_major}|" ${info_plist} reinplace "s|@GRASS_VERSION_MINOR@|${grass_version_minor}|" ${info_plist} reinplace "s|@GRASS_VERSION_DATE@|${grass_version_date}|" ${info_plist} reinplace "s|@BUNDLE_VERSION@|${bundle_version}|" ${info_plist} reinplace "s|@DEPLOYMENT_TARGET@|${macosx_deployment_target}|" ${info_plist} copy ${worksrcpath}/${app_name} ${destroot}${applications_dir} } livecheck.type none }