# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8::et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup legacysupport 1.1 PortGroup github 1.0 PortGroup cmake 1.1 PortGroup app 1.1 PortGroup active_variants 1.1 github.setup giuspen cherrytree 1.3.0 v revision 0 categories editors license GPL-3+ maintainers {mascguy @mascguy} openmaintainer description Hierarchical Note Taking long_description A Hierarchical Note Taking Application, featuring Rich Text\ and Syntax Highlighting github.tarball_from releases use_xz yes distname ${name}_${version} checksums rmd160 657a8cb8307fa94b54ad22863678cf23706235db \ sha256 2a74f1b019219541b44a0aa13a249950f267dbd822942a75b0edaf217d20e6a9 \ size 4749468 # Enable use of 'macports-libcxx' for macOS 10.12 and earlier, as port uses # libcxx features normally only available on 10.13 and later. legacysupport.use_mp_libcxx \ yes set port_libfmt libfmt9 configure.env-append \ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${prefix}/lib/${port_libfmt}/pkgconfig cmake.module_path-append \ ${prefix}/lib/${port_libfmt}/cmake configure.ldflags-append \ -L${prefix}/lib/${port_libfmt} compiler.cxx_standard 2017 patchfiles-append patch-cherrytree-all-apple-is-not-homebrew-for-goodness-sake.diff # By default, project enables significant warnings, via Wall/Wextra. Disable that behavior. patchfiles-append patch-drop-wall.diff depends_build-append path:bin/pkg-config:pkgconfig depends_build-append port:python313 configure.args-append -DPYTHON_EXEC=${prefix}/bin/python3.13 depends_lib-append port:adwaita-icon-theme \ port:atk \ port:atkmm \ path:lib/pkgconfig/cairo.pc:cairo \ port:cairomm \ port:curl \ port:enchant2 \ path:lib/pkgconfig/gdk-pixbuf-2.0.pc:gdk-pixbuf2 \ port:gettext \ path:lib/pkgconfig/glib-2.0.pc:glib2 \ path:lib/pkgconfig/glibmm-2.68.pc:glibmm \ port:gspell \ path:lib/pkgconfig/gtk+-3.0.pc:gtk3 \ port:gtkmm3 \ port:gtksourceview4 \ port:gtksourceviewmm3 \ path:lib/pkgconfig/harfbuzz.pc:harfbuzz \ port:${port_libfmt} \ port:libsigcxx2 \ port:libxmlxx2 \ port:libxml2 \ path:lib/pkgconfig/pango.pc:pango \ path:lib/pkgconfig/pangomm-2.48.pc:pangomm \ port:sqlite3 \ port:spdlog \ port:uchardet configure.args-append -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF configure.args-append -DUSE_VTE=OFF if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.major} < 13} { # uses '-k' option to gzip which is not supported until 10.9 depends_build-append port:gzip } # Clear optflags; controlled by project, via cmake build type configure.optflags if {[variant_isset debug]} { cmake.build_type Debug } else { cmake.build_type Release } app.name CherryTree app.icon ${worksrcpath}/icons/cherrytree.ico app.use_launch_script yes app.retina yes variant x11 conflicts quartz { require_active_variants gtk3 x11 quartz notes-append "This is ${name} +x11. You will need an X11 server installed, either\ xorg-server from MacPorts or XQuartz, to view this application. If you\ prefer a macOS-native quartz version, please install ${name} +quartz instead." } variant quartz conflicts x11 { require_active_variants gtk3 quartz x11 } if {![variant_isset quartz]} { default_variants-append +x11 }