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PortSystem 1.0

name            gmake-apple
version         3.81
revision        0
categories      devel
maintainers     nomaintainer
description     GNU Make pegged at Apple's version
long_description \
    Most Apple systems ship with this version of gmake. \
    Newer versions of gmake can cause build errors, so \
    use this pegged version if needed for Tiger.

homepage        https://www.gnu.org/software/make/make.html
license         GPL-2+

# this never needs to be universal, and having a universal variant can force it to be rebuilt
installs_libs   no
universal_variant no

distname        make-${version}
master_sites    gnu:make

checksums       rmd160  a713a72875cb9a29568677c98022465c6f55cbbf \
                sha256  16b77de9f013bcd536b7bc1efbe314223aedfe250f9063e33cbb4dfd347215a2 \
                size    1564560

# avoid picking up installed ports
configure.cppflags-delete -I${prefix}/include
configure.ldflags-delete  -L${prefix}/lib
configure.args  --disable-nls

destroot {
    file copy ${worksrcpath}/make ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/gmake-apple

test.run        yes
test.target     check

livecheck.type  none