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PortSystem              1.0

name                    libnfc
version                 1.7.1
platforms               darwin
categories              comms devel
maintainers             nomaintainer
license                 LGPL-3

description             Nearfield Communications Library (RFID)

long_description        libnfc is the first free NFC SDK and Programmers API \
                        released under the GNU Lesser General Public License. \
                        It provides complete transparency and royalty-free \
                        use for everyone.

homepage                http://www.libnfc.org/
master_sites            http://dl.bintray.com/nfc-tools/sources

use_bzip2               yes

checksums               rmd160  e0d7a3ce57fd57281145d3c78042b9fbccf85009 \
                        sha256  945e74d8e27683f9b8a6f6e529557b305d120df347a960a6a7ead6cb388f4072 \
                        size    484309

depends_build           port:pkgconfig
depends_lib             path:lib/pkgconfig/libusb-1.0.pc:libusb \