# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup github 1.0 if {${subport} eq "phantomjs-qt-qtwebkit"} { github.setup vitallium qtwebkit e7b74331d695bfa8b77e39cdc50fc2d84a49a22a # Change github.tarball_from to 'releases' or 'archive' next update github.tarball_from tarball } else { github.setup vitallium qtbase b5cc0083a5766e773885e8dd624c51a967c17de0 # Change github.tarball_from to 'releases' or 'archive' next update github.tarball_from tarball } name phantomjs-qt categories aqua www platforms macosx maintainers {mcalhoun @MarcusCalhoun-Lopez} openmaintainer # for OpenSSLException, see source and header files in src/network/ssl of qtbase license {LGPL-2.1 LGPL-3 GPL-3 OpenSSLException} version 5.5.1 set qt5.custom_qt_name phantomjs-qt PortGroup qt5_variables 1.0 # get Qt's version numbers set branch [join [lrange [split ${version} .] 0 1] .] set qt_major [lindex [split ${version} .] 0] # Qt builds differently when it detects C++-11 compiler.cxx_standard 2011 # see https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-53656 # see https://github.com/ariya/phantomjs/issues/13930 if {${subport} ne ${name}} { fetch.type git } ############################################################################### TODO # # TODO: possible to trim dependencies of qtbase? # ############################################################################### ############################################################################### Module Format # # "Qt Module Name" { # { # checksum, rmd160 # checksum, sha256 # checksum, size # } # dependencies, build # dependencies, lib # dependencies, Qt module name # Qt components provided # included in "standard" installation of Qt (empty string is no, explanation string is yes) # variant overrides # revision number # license replacement # } # # module info found at https://doc.qt.io/archives/qt-5.5/qtmodules.html # ############################################################################### array set modules { qtbase { { } "" "port:zlib port:libpng path:include/turbojpeg.h:libjpeg-turbo path:lib/pkgconfig/icu-uc.pc:icu port:pcre port:openssl10 port:fontconfig port:freetype" "" {"Qt Core"} "" "variant overrides: ~docs ~examples" "revision 5" "License: " } qtwebkit { { } "port:python27 port:bison" "port:fontconfig path:lib/pkgconfig/icu-uc.pc:icu port:leveldb port:webp port:libxml2 port:libxslt port:zlib port:sqlite3" "qtbase" {"Qt WebKit" "Qt WebKit Widgets"} "" "variant overrides: ~docs ~examples" "revision 8" "License: " } } ############################################################################### SQL Plugin Format # # { # variant name # dependency, library # include path # link requirement # obsolete? (empty string is no) # } # ############################################################################### array set sql_plugins { {sqlite SQLite "revision 0"} { { "sqlite3" "port:sqlite3" "${prefix}/include" "-L${prefix}/lib -lsqlite3" "" } } } # because CPATH is set, pkgconfig does not include ${prefix}/lib and ${prefix}/include even when requested # this means that files in ${prefix}/lib and ${prefix}/include are the *last* to be found # this causes problems when there are files in ${worksrpath} that are unintentionally found instead configure.env-append \ PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_SYSTEM_CFLAGS=1 \ PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_SYSTEM_LIBS=1 build.env-append \ PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_SYSTEM_CFLAGS=1 \ PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_SYSTEM_LIBS=1 # Qt uses CFRunLoopTimerCreateWithHandler, which was not introduced until Mac OS X 10.7 # see https://developer.apple.com/reference/corefoundation/1542555-cfrunlooptimercreatewithhandler?language=objc if { ${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.major} < 11 } { known_fail yes pre-fetch { ui_error "${subport} requires OS X 10.7 or later" return -code error "incompatible OS version" } } foreach {module module_info} [array get modules] { set revision_string [string trim [lindex ${module_info} 7]] set revision_string [string range ${revision_string} 1+[string last " " ${revision_string}] end] subport ${name}-${module} { distname ${module}-opensource-src-${version} revision ${revision_string} # see https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-35514 build.target set license_string [lindex ${module_info} 8] set license_string [string range ${license_string} 1+[string first ":" ${license_string}] end] set license_string [string trim ${license_string}] if { ${license_string} ne "" } { license {*}${license_string} } foreach deps [lindex ${module_info} 1] { depends_build-append [subst ${deps}] } foreach deps [lindex ${module_info} 2] { depends_lib-append [subst ${deps}] } foreach qtdeps [lindex ${module_info} 3] { if { ${qtdeps} ne "qtbase" } { depends_lib-append port:${name}-${qtdeps} } } description Tools and Module(s) for Qt Tool Kit ${qt_major} set modules_provided_list [lindex ${module_info} 4] if { [llength ${modules_provided_list}] == 1 } { set modules_provided_join [lindex ${modules_provided_list} 0] } elseif { [llength ${modules_provided_list}] == 2 } { set modules_provided_join [join ${modules_provided_list} " and "] } else { set modules_provided_join [join [list [join [lrange ${modules_provided_list} 0 end-1] ", "] [lindex ${modules_provided_list} end]] ", and "] } long_description "Tools and Module(s) for Qt Tool Kit ${qt_major}: ${modules_provided_join}" if { ${module} eq "qtbase" } { # this subport uses configure script (NOT qmake) PortGroup qt5 1.0 if { ${os.platform} ne "darwin" } { pre-fetch { ui_warn "${subport} is untested on \"${os.platform}\"." } } if {${universal_possible} && [variant_isset universal]} { pre-fetch { ui_warn "Multiple architectures is not a Reference Configuration for Qt." ui_warn "See https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/supported-platforms.html#reference-configurations" } } else { if { ${configure.build_arch} eq "i386" } { pre-fetch { ui_warn "32-bit mode is not a Reference Configuration for Qt." ui_warn "See https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/supported-platforms.html#reference-configurations" } } } # upstream patches patchfiles-append patch-upstream.diff # https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/141654/ patchfiles-append patch-add_sdk.diff # the build system uses pkgconfig to look for an OpenGL installation (gl.pc) # the build system automatically uses OpenGL frameworks (-framework OpenGL -framework AGL) # if mesa is installed, the build system will try to use both OpenGL systems # when building qtmultimedia, this will cause problems # Undefined symbols: "_CGLGetCurrentContext" patchfiles-append patch-opengl.diff # see https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/126584/ patchfiles-append patch-pcfiles.diff # https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/140876/ patchfiles-append patch-stdloc.diff #https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/138349 patchfiles-append patch-rpath.diff # see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14506151/invalid-symbol-redefinition-in-inline-asm-on-llvm # only runs test code on 32-bit systems patchfiles-append patch-tst_benchlibcallgrind.diff # this test might still cause problems, but with 5.4.2->5.5.0, it is no longer run # tests/auto/corelib/plugin/qpluginloader/qpluginloader.pro: # -macx-*: SUBDIRS += machtest # +macx-*: contains(QT_CONFIG, private_tests): SUBDIRS += machtest # # When testing, ensure that a universal object file is not inadvertently created. patchfiles-append patch-machtest.diff # see #52200 # see https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/164673/ patchfiles-append patch-xcrun.diff # see https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-62266 patchfiles-append patch-sdk10_13.diff # avoid non-standard C++ that Xcode Clang accepts but other compilers do not # see https://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/llvm-bugs/2017-January/053481.html # see https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=11764 patchfiles-append patch-qualified_reference.diff # find the Rez program patchfiles-append patch-find_rez.diff post-patch { reinplace \ "s|__MACPORTS_Rez__|[exec -ignorestderr xcrun --find Rez]|g" \ mkspecs/common/mac.conf \ mkspecs/features/mac/rez.prf } # Qt assumes Clang's x86intrin.h does not provide _bit_scan_reverse # this assumption is incorrect for Clang 9.0 and later # (which Xcode 11.4 and later are also based on) # see https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/88f4054f48c5 # see https://trac.macports.org/ticket/59364 https://trac.macports.org/ticket/62051 patchfiles-append patch-qtbase-intel_intrinsics.diff # ICU now requires C++11 # see https://trac.macports.org/ticket/59434 patchfiles-append patch-qtbase-icu_test.diff #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # qtbase is used for: # 1) building qtbase # 2) building MacPorts projects via qmake # 3) building end-user projects # # 1 & 2 require consistency with the MacPorts environment # 3 requires consistency with the default Qt installation # # 2 can be achieved via environment variables # (e.g. QMAKE_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=${macosx_deployment_target}) # # the only way 3 can be achieved is if no changes are made to the build system # # the following is an attempt to achieve 1 without destroying 3 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # save default spec files post-extract { copy ${worksrcpath}/mkspecs ${worksrcpath}/mkspecs-save } # respect MacPorts build variables patchfiles-append patch-mkspecs.diff # respect configure.compiler if { ${configure.compiler} eq "clang" } { # let xargs find correct compiler (default behaviour) post-patch { # let xargs find correct compiler reinplace \ "s|__MACPORTS_CC__|clang|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/mkspecs/common/clang.conf reinplace \ "s|__MACPORTS_CXX__|clang++|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/mkspecs/common/clang.conf } } else { post-patch { reinplace \ "s|__MACPORTS_CC__|${configure.cc}|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/mkspecs/common/clang.conf reinplace \ "s|__MACPORTS_CXX__|${configure.cxx}|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/mkspecs/common/clang.conf } } if { [string match macports-clang-* ${configure.compiler}] && [vercmp ${xcodeversion} "7.0"] >= 0 } { # non-Xcode clang does not seem to be able to understand tbd files # for an explanation of tbd files, see # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31450690/why-xcode-7-shows-tbd-instead-of-dylib # see https://trac.macports.org/ticket/53151 pre-fetch { ui_error "This configuration is known to fail" ui_error "See https://trac.macports.org/ticket/53151" ui_error "As a workaround, do not set configure.compiler manually" return -code error "incompatible configuration" } } post-patch { if {${configure.cxx_stdlib} eq "macports-libstdc++" && ${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.major} < 13} { set cxx_abi " -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0" } else { set cxx_abi "" } # respect configure.cxx_stdlib reinplace \ "s|__MACPORTS_CXX_STDLIB__|${configure.cxx_stdlib}${cxx_abi}|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/mkspecs/common/clang-mac.conf # respect macosx_deployment_target foreach spec {macx-clang macx-clang-32 macx-g++ macx-g++-32 macx-g++40 macx-g++42 macx-icc macx-llvm} { reinplace \ "s|__MACPORTS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET__|${macosx_deployment_target}|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/mkspecs/${spec}/qmake.conf } #respect configure.optflags reinplace \ "s|__MACPORTS_OPTFLAGS__|${configure.optflags}|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/mkspecs/common/gcc-base.conf } # respect configure.sdk_version post-patch { reinplace \ "s|__MACPORTS_MAC_SDK__|${qt5.mac_sdk}|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/mkspecs/common/macx.conf } # return modified spec files to the default values post-build { if { [variant_exists universal] && [variant_isset universal] } { foreach arch ${universal_archs_to_use} { foreach conf {clang.conf macx.conf clang-mac.conf gcc-base.conf} { move -force ${worksrcpath}-${arch}/mkspecs-save/common/${conf} ${worksrcpath}-${arch}/mkspecs/common/${conf} } foreach spec {macx-clang macx-clang-32 macx-g++ macx-g++-32 macx-g++40 macx-g++42 macx-icc macx-llvm} { move -force ${worksrcpath}-${arch}/mkspecs-save/${spec}/qmake.conf ${worksrcpath}-${arch}/mkspecs/${spec}/qmake.conf } } } else { foreach conf {clang.conf macx.conf clang-mac.conf gcc-base.conf} { move -force ${worksrcpath}/mkspecs-save/common/${conf} ${worksrcpath}/mkspecs/common/${conf} } foreach spec {macx-clang macx-clang-32 macx-g++ macx-g++-32 macx-g++40 macx-g++42 macx-icc macx-llvm} { move -force ${worksrcpath}/mkspecs-save/${spec}/qmake.conf ${worksrcpath}/mkspecs/${spec}/qmake.conf } } } # --prefix is not recognized. configure.pre_args-delete --prefix=${prefix} # --disable-dependency-tracking is not recognized. configure.universal_args-delete --disable-dependency-tracking # adapted from phantomjs build.py configure.args-append \ -shared \ -opensource \ -confirm-license \ -prefix ${qt_dir} \ -system-zlib \ -system-libpng \ -system-libjpeg \ -system-pcre \ -nomake examples \ -nomake tools \ -nomake tests \ -no-qml-debug \ -no-dbus \ -no-opengl \ -no-audio-backend \ -D QT_NO_GRAPHICSVIEW \ -D QT_NO_GRAPHICSEFFECT \ -D QT_NO_STYLESHEET \ -D QT_NO_STYLE_CDE \ -D QT_NO_STYLE_CLEANLOOKS \ -D QT_NO_STYLE_MOTIF \ -D QT_NO_STYLE_PLASTIQUE \ -D QT_NO_PRINTPREVIEWDIALOG \ -qpa phantom \ -openssl \ -openssl-linked \ -no-openvg \ -no-eglfs \ -no-egl \ -no-glib \ -no-gtkstyle \ -no-cups \ -no-sm \ -no-xinerama \ -no-xkb \ -no-xcb \ -no-kms \ -no-linuxfb \ -no-directfb \ -no-mtdev \ -no-libudev \ -no-evdev \ -no-pulseaudio \ -no-alsa \ -no-feature-PRINTPREVIEWWIDGET \ -force-pkg-config \ -release foreach driver { db2 ibase mysql oci odbc psql sqlite sqlite2 tds } { configure.args-append -no-sql-${driver} } if {!${universal_possible} || ![variant_isset universal]} { configure.args-append "-platform ${qt_qmake_spec}" } else { set merger_configure_args(i386) "-platform ${qt_qmake_spec_32}" set merger_configure_args(x86_64) "-platform ${qt_qmake_spec_64}" } # http://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/development/2017-January/028392.html # Prefer ICU over iconv # Additional options: configure.args-append \ -no-rpath \ -verbose \ -icu \ -fontconfig \ -no-gstreamer # MacOS/iOS options: configure.args-append \ -framework # do not use ${configure.sdk_version} # SDK is recorded in ${qt_mkspecs_dir}/qdevice.pri # SDK may then be removed if Xcode is updated # see https://trac.macports.org/ticket/54044 # see https://trac.macports.org/ticket/55195 configure.args-append \ -sdk macosx # Qt builds part of the system using environment provided by MacPorts. # It builds the rest using its own internal environment. # For consistency, clear MacPorts environment. #configure.cxx_stdlib proc portconfigure::should_add_stdlib {} {return no} proc portconfigure::should_add_cxx_abi {} {return no} compiler.limit_flags yes configure.cc_archflags configure.cxx_archflags configure.objc_archflags configure.objcxx_archflags configure.ld_archflags configure.cppflags configure.cflags configure.cxxflags configure.objcflags configure.objcxxflags configure.ldflags configure.pipe no if {${universal_possible} && [variant_isset universal]} { set merger_arch_flag no } configure.march configure.mtune configure.universal_ldflags configure.universal_cflags configure.universal_cxxflags configure.universal_cppflags # configure script looks for perl but doesn't seem to use it for our configuration # configure script uses gawk if it can find it, # so require it for consistency depends_build-append port:gawk # unless overridden, configure script uses gmake if it can find it configure.env-append MAKE=${build.cmd} if {${universal_possible} && [variant_isset universal]} { post-destroot { # delete preprocessor comments surrounding QT_CPU_FEATURES.i386 and QT_CPU_FEATURES.x86_64 reinplace "/^#ifndef.*$/d" ${destroot}${qt_mkspecs_dir}/qmodule.pri reinplace "/^#else.*$/d" ${destroot}${qt_mkspecs_dir}/qmodule.pri reinplace "/^#endif.*$/d" ${destroot}${qt_mkspecs_dir}/qmodule.pri } # The file ${qt_mkspecs_dir}/qconfig.pri is still not properly merged # A workaround is to set QT_ARCH and QT_TARGET_ARCH manually (see e.g. the qmake5 PortGroup) } # Please do not use -I and -L. # -I becomes -isystem in the Qt build system, which is checked *after* CPATH. compiler.cpath-prepend ${prefix}/include/openssl-1.0 compiler.library_path-prepend \ ${prefix}/lib/openssl-1.0 } else { # these subports use qmake PortGroup qmake5 1.0 # determine which variants are to be turned off set request_examples true set request_tests true set def_var "" if { [lsearch -exact [lindex ${module_info} 6] "~universal"] != -1 } { universal_variant no } if { [lsearch -exact [lindex ${module_info} 6] "noarch"] != -1 } { supported_archs noarch universal_variant no } if { [lsearch -exact [lindex ${module_info} 6] "~debug"] != -1 } { qt5.debug_variant no } if { [lsearch -exact [lindex ${module_info} 6] "~examples"] != -1 } { set request_examples false } if { [lsearch -exact [lindex ${module_info} 6] "~tests"] != -1 } { set request_tests false } if { [lsearch -exact [lindex ${module_info} 6] "++examples"] != -1 } { set request_examples true lappend def_var "+examples" } if { ${request_examples} } { variant examples description {Build examples} {} } if { ${request_tests} } { variant tests description {Enable tests} {} } if { ${def_var} ne "" } { default_variants-append ${def_var} } # accommodating variant request varies depending on how qtbase was built pre-configure { # determine if qmake builds examples by default (set via variants) if {[active_variants ${name}-qtbase examples ""]} { set base_examples true } else { set base_examples false } # determine if qmake runs tests by default (set via variants) if {[active_variants ${name}-qtbase tests ""]} { set base_tests true } else { set base_tests false } # determine if the user wants to build examples if { [variant_exists examples] && [variant_isset examples] } { set this_examples true } else { set this_examples false } # determine if the user wants to run tests if { [variant_exists tests] && [variant_isset tests] } { set this_tests true } else { set this_tests false } # determine if qmake's default and user requests are compatible; override qmake if necessary if { ${this_examples} && !${base_examples} } { configure.args-append "QT_BUILD_PARTS+=\"examples\"" } if { !${this_examples} && ${base_examples} } { configure.args-append "QT_BUILD_PARTS-=\"examples\"" } if { ${this_tests} && !${base_tests} } { configure.args-append "QT_BUILD_PARTS+=\"tests\"" } if { !${this_tests} && ${base_tests} } { configure.args-append "QT_BUILD_PARTS-=\"tests\"" } } ############################################################################### # Special Cases ############################################################################### # special case if { ${module} eq "qtwebkit" } { platform darwin 11 { known_fail yes pre-fetch { ui_error "${subport} currently does not build on OS X 10.7, see https://trac.macports.org/ticket/64172" return -code error "incompatible OS version" } } use_xcode yes # from phantomjs build.py configure.args-append \ WEBKIT_CONFIG-=build_webkit2 \ WEBKIT_CONFIG-=netscape_plugin_api \ WEBKIT_CONFIG-=use_gstreamer \ WEBKIT_CONFIG-=use_gstreamer010 \ WEBKIT_CONFIG-=use_native_fullscreen_video \ WEBKIT_CONFIG-=video \ WEBKIT_CONFIG-=web_audio # use MacPorts icu # # qmake uses pkgconfig to look for icu # this feature does not work without "CONFIG += link_pkgconfig" patchfiles-append patch-icu.diff #https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/139967/ #https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/139968/ #https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/139970/ patchfiles-append patch-ssl.diff # qtwebkit uses # glx # libXcomposite # libXrender # if they can be found # Ensure that test fails even if software is installed post-patch { foreach test { glx libXcomposite libXrender } { reinplace "s|return 0;|return 0;\\\n#error turn off test|g" ${worksrcpath}/Tools/qmake/config.tests/${test}/${test}.cpp } } # by default, qmake uses -mmacosx-version-min=10.6, which means __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED is set to 1006 # setting QMAKE_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET to ${macosx_deployment_target} changes __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED # and unwanted code is included # this patch allows qtwebkit to build, but other problems may crop up patchfiles-append patch-deployment_target.diff # see https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=171612 patchfiles-append patch-qtwebkit_fix_icu.diff # for the PhantomJS version of Qt Webkit, certain symbols need to be global patchfiles-append patch-export_global.diff # backport upstream WebKit changes to avoid # error: "Unsupported PAGE_SHIFT amount" # see https://trac.macports.org/ticket/62027#comment:49 patchfiles-append patch-qtwebkit_fix_page_shift.diff # work around https://trac.macports.org/ticket/60975 patchfiles-append patch-webkit_XPathGrammar.y.diff patchfiles-append patch-webkit_makegrammar.pl.diff } } } } # see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/sql-driver.html for info on building SQL Database Drivers foreach {sql_names sql_info} [array get sql_plugins] { set driver [lindex ${sql_names} 0] set dbms [lindex ${sql_names} 1] set revision_string [lindex ${sql_names} 2] set revision_string [string range ${revision_string} 1+[string last " " ${revision_string}] end] subport ${name}-${driver}-plugin { PortGroup qmake5 1.0 distname qtbase-opensource-src-${version} revision ${revision_string} description ${dbms} Database Driver for Qt Tool Kit ${qt_major} long_description ${dbms} Database Driver for Qt Tool Kit ${qt_major} use_xcode yes # if there is more than one version of the database system, create variants for each version if { [llength ${sql_info}] > 1 } { set any_variant_set false foreach variant_info ${sql_info} { set varName [lindex ${variant_info} 0] # find every other variant so it can be marked as conflicting set conflicts_list "" foreach variant_info2 ${sql_info} { set varName2 [lindex ${variant_info2} 0] if { ${varName} ne ${varName2} } { lappend conflicts_list ${varName2} } } # get only the numbers from the name regexp {[0-9].} ${varName} varVer variant ${varName} conflicts ${conflicts_list} description "use version ${varVer} of ${dbms}" {} # check if any variant has been set if { [variant_isset ${varName}] } { set any_variant_set true } } # ensure at least one variant is set if { !${any_variant_set} } { default_variants-append +[lindex [lindex ${sql_info} 0] 0] } } foreach variant_info ${sql_info} { set varName [lindex ${variant_info} 0] if { ( [variant_exists ${varName}] && [variant_isset ${varName}] ) || [llength ${sql_info}]==1 } { depends_lib-append [lindex ${variant_info} 1] configure.args-append \ [subst INCLUDEPATH+=\"[lindex ${variant_info} 2]\"] \ [subst LIBS+=\"[lindex ${variant_info} 3]\"] } } # for single architecture, easier to use # worksrcdir ${worksrcdir}/qtbase/src/plugins/sqldrivers/${driver}, # but doesn't work for universal build configure.dir ${worksrcpath}/src/plugins/sqldrivers/${driver} build.dir ${configure.dir} destroot.dir ${configure.dir} # see https://trac.macports.org/ticket/53248 qt5.top_level ${worksrcpath} # see #52200 # see https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/164673/ patchfiles-append patch-xcrun.diff } } if { ${subport} eq ${name} } { # the main port is Meta-port to install various modules revision 0 description Qt Tool Kit ${qt_major} long_description Qt Tool Kit: A cross-platform framework \ (headers, data, and libraries) for writing \ cross-platform GUI-based applications. master_sites distfiles use_configure no supported_archs noarch platforms any installs_libs no build {} # create a dummy file so the port can be successfully activated destroot { xinstall -d -m 0755 ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${subport} set docfile [open ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${subport}/README.txt "w"] puts ${docfile} "Meta-port for ${name}" puts ${docfile} "${long_description}" close ${docfile} } foreach {module module_info} [array get modules] { if { [lindex ${module_info} 5] eq "" } { depends_run-append port:${name}-${module} } } depends_run-append port:${name}-sqlite-plugin } set python_framework "" set depends_check "" if { [info exists depends_build] } { set depends_check "${depends_check} ${depends_build}" } if { [info exists depends_lib] } { set depends_check "${depends_check} ${depends_lib}" } foreach deps ${depends_check} { if { [string first ":python27" ${deps}] >= 0 } { # If Qt components use Python, ensure that MacPorts python27 is used # # a better solution would be to force components to use a specific python program # how to accomplish such a thing is not entirely clear # # see #49838 # # version 5.5.1 (at least) of qtwebengine must find a python version in the interval [2.7, 3) # (see tools/qmake/mkspecs/features/functions.prf) # versions 5.5.1 of qtdeclarative and qtwebkit also use python with no way of specifying which one # set python_framework ${frameworks_dir}/Python.framework/Versions/2.7 } } if { ${python_framework} ne "" } { configure.env-append PATH=${python_framework}/bin:$env(PATH) build.env-append PATH=${python_framework}/bin:$env(PATH) } unset python_framework if { ![exists universal_variant] || [option universal_variant] } { PortGroup muniversal 1.0 } if {${universal_possible} && [variant_isset universal]} { merger-post-destroot { foreach arch ${universal_archs_to_use} { set dir ${destroot}-${arch} foreach prlfl [glob -nocomplain ${dir}${qt_libs_dir}/*.framework/*.prl] { reinplace -q "s|${worksrcpath}-${arch}|${worksrcpath}|g" ${prlfl} } foreach prlfl [glob -nocomplain ${dir}${qt_libs_dir}/*.prl] { reinplace -q "s|${worksrcpath}-${arch}|${worksrcpath}|g" ${prlfl} } foreach prlfl [glob -nocomplain ${dir}${qt_examples_dir}/widgets/tools/plugandpaint/plugins/*.prl] { reinplace -q "s|${worksrcpath}-${arch}|${worksrcpath}|g" ${prlfl} } if { [file exists ${dir}${qt_libs_dir}/cmake/Qt5Core/Qt5CoreConfigExtrasMkspecDir.cmake] } { reinplace "s|macx-clang-32|macx-clang|g" ${dir}${qt_libs_dir}/cmake/Qt5Core/Qt5CoreConfigExtrasMkspecDir.cmake } # Libs.private contains the value of ${worksrcpath}-${arch}, which prevents merging if { [file exists ${dir}${qt_libs_dir}/pkgconfig/Qt5WebKit.pc] } { reinplace "s|${worksrcpath}-${arch}|${worksrcpath}|g" ${dir}${qt_libs_dir}/pkgconfig/Qt5WebKit.pc } if { [file exists ${dir}${qt_libs_dir}/pkgconfig/Qt5WebEngineCore.pc] } { reinplace "s|${worksrcpath}-${arch}|${worksrcpath}|g" ${dir}${qt_libs_dir}/pkgconfig/Qt5WebEngineCore.pc } if { [file exists ${dir}${qt_examples_dir}/declarative/tutorials/gettingStarted/parts/part5/filedialog/Makefile] } { reinplace "s|${worksrcpath}-${arch}|${worksrcpath}|g" ${dir}${qt_examples_dir}/declarative/tutorials/gettingStarted/parts/part5/filedialog/Makefile reinplace -E "/\\w*-arch \\\\/d" ${dir}${qt_examples_dir}/declarative/tutorials/gettingStarted/parts/part5/filedialog/Makefile reinplace -E "/\\w*${arch} \\\\/d" ${dir}${qt_examples_dir}/declarative/tutorials/gettingStarted/parts/part5/filedialog/Makefile reinplace -E {s:-arch +[^ ]+::g} ${dir}${qt_examples_dir}/declarative/tutorials/gettingStarted/parts/part5/filedialog/Makefile reinplace "s|macx-clang-32|macx-clang|g" ${dir}${qt_examples_dir}/declarative/tutorials/gettingStarted/parts/part5/filedialog/Makefile } if { [file exists ${dir}${qt_examples_dir}/multimedia/spectrum/fftreal.framework/fftreal.prl] } { reinplace "s|${worksrcpath}-${arch}|${worksrcpath}|g" ${dir}${qt_examples_dir}/multimedia/spectrum/fftreal.framework/fftreal.prl } if { [file exists ${dir}${qt_examples_dir}/multimedia/spectrum/spectrum.app/Contents/Frameworks/fftreal.framework/fftreal.prl] } { reinplace "s|${worksrcpath}-${arch}|${worksrcpath}|g" ${dir}${qt_examples_dir}/multimedia/spectrum/spectrum.app/Contents/Frameworks/fftreal.framework/fftreal.prl } if { [file exists ${dir}${qt_examples_dir}/sensors/grue/libgruesensor.prl] } { reinplace "s|${worksrcpath}-${arch}|${worksrcpath}|g" ${dir}${qt_examples_dir}/sensors/grue/libgruesensor.prl } } } } post-destroot { # see #44204 foreach f [glob -nocomplain -tails -directory ${destroot}${qt_libs_dir} *.framework] { set framework [file rootname ${f}] set include_list [split ${qt_includes_dir} '/'] set framework_list [split ${qt_libs_dir} '/'] while {[llength ${include_list}] && [llength ${framework_list}]} { set var_include [lindex $include_list 0] set var_framework [lindex $framework_list 0] if { ${var_include} ne ${var_framework} } { break } # remove first element from list set include_list [lreplace ${include_list} 0 0] set framework_list [lreplace ${framework_list} 0 0] } xinstall -d -m 0755 ${destroot}${qt_includes_dir} ln -s [string repeat ../ [llength ${include_list}]][join ${framework_list} /]/${f}/Headers ${destroot}${qt_includes_dir}/${framework} } } # let phantomjs determine version livecheck.type none