# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup github 1.0 PortGroup xcode 1.0 categories aqua platforms macosx maintainers {@barracuda156 gmail.com:vital.had} openmaintainer license MIT description 小麥注音輸入法 long_description OpenVanilla McBopomofo 小麥注音輸入法 – input method for Traditional Chinese. homepage https://mcbopomofo.openvanilla.org/ if {${os.major} > 11} { github.setup openvanilla McBopomofo 0.9.11 # Change github.tarball_from to 'releases' or 'archive' next update github.tarball_from tarball checksums rmd160 c201c4c176f0ee205c3587cf93b441128ca241ab \ sha256 203c925e72990c41b45bc948214becc20f6410ec00dd8caa6abc0bbcb58e2d7a \ size 2868560 } elseif {${os.major} == 11} { github.setup openvanilla McBopomofo 0.9.10 # Change github.tarball_from to 'releases' or 'archive' next update github.tarball_from tarball checksums rmd160 04ecfcc546ca4e5cdf615d91a626cdef7ad7ebb1 \ sha256 23f37e1de13b2a14a770d1bdef16b7dc3e1cc953d2fc420f2436867ba6c20ac5 \ size 2866643 } elseif {${os.major} == 10 && ${configure.build_arch} ne "ppc"} { github.setup openvanilla McBopomofo 0.9.9 # Change github.tarball_from to 'releases' or 'archive' next update github.tarball_from tarball checksums rmd160 66e855dd7dcf13aa785d037270f6a72953373ee5 \ sha256 ff4972a51a78134b6b8e036a345253656044f1538ef237f6a342b5ec5cd701f3 \ size 2871281 } elseif {${os.major} < 10 || (${os.major} == 10 && ${configure.build_arch} eq "ppc")} { # https://github.com/openvanilla/McBopomofo/issues/349 github.setup openvanilla McBopomofo 4c239a2a5fe10610d63473727a71f9b30077667c # Change github.tarball_from to 'releases' or 'archive' next update github.tarball_from tarball version checksums rmd160 f0459b10993f3afae4450f0781f664e9eb974f10 \ sha256 20428feaaa43749377d4b931c5190c9dc317843cc839d8ac694cc30d384e2d1c \ size 3174055 macosx_deployment_target 10.5 } patchfiles patch-includes.diff if {${os.major} > 9 && ${configure.build_arch} ne "ppc"} { # Not needed on leopard-support branch since already implemented with upstream: patchfiles-append \ patch-no-werror.diff } # Don't build McBopomofoInstaller xcode.target Data McBopomofo destroot.violate_mtree yes destroot.pre_args -IDECustomDerivedDataLocation=${worksrcpath}/DerivedData if {[vercmp ${xcodeversion} 10.0] >= 0} { destroot.pre_args-append \ -UseNewBuildSystem=NO } depends_build-append \ port:python311 configure.python ${prefix}/bin/python3.11 post-patch { fs-traverse f ${worksrcpath}/Source/Data/bin { if {[string match *.py ${f}]} { reinplace -q "s|/usr/bin/env python$|${configure.python}|" ${f} } } } post-destroot { xinstall -d "${destroot}/Library/Input Methods" if {[vercmp $xcodeversion 4.2] >= 0} { move "${destroot}${applications_dir}/McBopomofo.app" \ "${destroot}/Library/Input Methods/McBopomofo.app" } else { copy "${worksrcpath}/build/UninstalledProducts/McBopomofo.app" \ "${destroot}/Library/Input Methods/McBopomofo.app" } }