PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup github 1.0 PortGroup xcode 1.0 github.setup timthedevguy BGHUDAppKit 0.7 # Change github.tarball_from to 'releases' or 'archive' next update github.tarball_from tarball revision 1 categories aqua devel license BSD maintainers nomaintainer description Aqua HUD window framework long_description BGHUDAppKit is a small framework to assist GUI apps in designing HUD windows master_sites macports_distfiles checksums rmd160 3a26a8497eff103774e86bcd04c1c61b2601faa6 \ sha256 e0f89ecb2692c53a3144ce6f2fcd8b9c2cb814d52a16ed2cc8f5b15b7e87ea52 xcode.destroot.type framework platform darwin 9 { patchfiles-append leopard.patch } if {[vercmp $xcodeversion 5] >= 0 && [vercmp $xcodeversion 10.0] < 0} { patchfiles-append xcode5.patch } # This is a temporary kludge. The new Xcode build system fails to # build and destroot this for reasons that are poorly understood. # Remove this when a better fix is known. if {[vercmp ${xcodeversion} 10.0] >= 0} { patchfiles-append xcode-10-1.patch build.pre_args -UseNewBuildSystem=NO destroot.pre_args -UseNewBuildSystem=NO } post-destroot { move ${destroot}${frameworks_dir}/BGHUDAppKitPlugin.ibplugin ${destroot}${frameworks_dir}/BGHUDAppKit.framework/Resources }