# -*- tcl -*- # tool.test - Copyright (c) 2016 Sean Woods, Will DuQuette, Caius Project # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TITLE: # markdown.test # # PROJECT: # tcl-markdown: Your project description # # DESCRIPTION: # markdown: Test Suite #------------------------------------------------------------------------- source [file join \ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \ devtools testutilities.tcl] testsNeedTcl 8.5 testsNeedTcltest 2 support { use textutil/string.tcl textutil::string use textutil/repeat.tcl textutil::repeat use textutil/tabify.tcl textutil::tabify } testing { useLocal markdown.tcl Markdown } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup tcltest::testConstraint knownbug 0 # outdent text # # text - A multi-line text string # # This command outdents a multi-line text string to the left margin. proc outdent {text} { # FIRST, remove any leading blank lines regsub {\A(\s*\n)} $text "" text # NEXT, remove any trailing whitespace set text [string trimright $text] # NEXT, get the length of the leader on the first line. if {[regexp {\A(\s*)\S} $text dummy leader]} { # Remove the leader from the beginning of each indented # line, and update the string. regsub -all -line "^$leader" $text "" text } return $text } proc unindent text { set chars { } set max inf regsub ^\n $text {} text regsub \n\[$chars\]*?$ $text {} text set rLeading ^\[$chars\]* set rBlankLine $rLeading$ foreach line [split $text \n] { if {$line eq {} || [regexp $rBlankLine $line]} continue regexp -indices $rLeading $line idc set count [expr {[lindex $idc 1] + 1}] set max [expr {$max > $count ? $count : $max}] } set start [expr { $max == inf ? {end+1} : $max }] # Removed lmap (8.6+) set r {} foreach line [split $text \n] { lappend r [string range $line $start end] } join $r \n } proc cmp {s1 s2} { set s1 [string trim $s1] set s2 [string trim $s2] return [expr {$s1 eq $s2}] } proc dumpcmp {s1 s2} { set s1 [string trim $s1] set s2 [string trim $s2] puts "# START S1" puts $s1 puts "# START S2" puts $s2 puts "# END TEXT" puts "# LENGTH = [string length $s1], [string length $s2]" } # convert in # # in - markdown input, possibly indented. # # Outdents the input and converts it to HTML. Indents it for inclusion # in a result. Empty lines are kept empty. proc convert {in} { set lines [split [string trim [Markdown::convert [outdent $in]]] \n] set out [string map [list "\n \n" "\n\n"] [join $lines "\n "]] return "\n $out\n" } #========================================================================= # Tcl-markdown tests #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Conversion tests test basic-1.1 {basic text} -body { convert { A line of text. Another line of text. } } -result {
A line of text.
Another line of text.
} test basic-1.2 {multi-line paragraphs} -body { convert { Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. } } -result {Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
} test basic-1.3 {horizontal rule} -body { convert { A line of text. --- Another line of text. } } -result {A line of text.
Another line of text.
} test basic-1.4 {direct link} -body { convert { This is a [link](bar) to bar. } } -result {This is a link to bar.
} foreach {k input result notes} { 5 {_____} {_} . 6 {__\___} {_} . 7 {_\_\_\__} {___} . 8 {__.__} {.} . 9 {__\.__} {.} .FAIL 10 {__*__} {*} . 11 {__\*__} {*} .FAIL 12 {. \.} {. .} . 13 {_ \_} {_ _} . 14 {[foo_bar](sna_fu)} {foo_bar} . 15 {[foo\_bar](sna_fu)} {foo_bar} . 16 {[foo_bar](sna\_fu)} {foo_bar} .FAIL 17 {[foo\_bar](sna\_fu)} {foo_bar} .FAIL } { # skipping knownbugs if {$notes eq ".FAIL"} continue test basic-1.$k "escaped characters: ($input)" -body { convert "x $input x" } -result "\nx ${result} x
\n" } test bquote-1.1 {simple blockquote} -body { convert { > > A line of text. > } } -result {} test bquote-1.2 {">" on first line only.} -body { convert { > Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. } } -result {A line of text.
} test bquote-1.3 {block quote with markup} -body { convert { > ### Heading 3 > > Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit } } -result {Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
} test bquote-1.4 {nested block quotes} -body { convert { > First this. > > > And then this and this > > and this. > > And then this. } } -result {Heading 3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
} test bquote-1.5 {complex case (from Caius test suite)} -body { convert { > > > This is what he said. This is what she said. This is what > > he said. This is what she said. > > > > ### Heading 3 ##### > > > > This is what he said. This is what she said. This is what > > he said. This is what she said. > > > > import os > > os.path.listdir() > > > > This is what he said. This is what she said. This is what > > he said. This is what she said. > > ## Heading 2 > > This is what he said. This is what she said. This is what > he said. This is what she said. This is a test. } } -result {First this.
And then this and this and this.
And then this.
This is what he said. This is what she said. This is what he said. This is what she said.
Heading 3
This is what he said. This is what she said. This is what he said. This is what she said.
import os os.path.listdir()
This is what he said. This is what she said. This is what he said. This is what she said.
Heading 2
This is what he said. This is what she said. This is what he said. This is what she said.
This is a test.
} test bquote-1.6 {modified complex case (from Caius test suite)} -body { convert { > > > This is what he said. This is what she said. This is what > > he said. This is what she said. > > > > ### Heading 3 ##### > > This is what he said. This is what she said. This is what > > he said. This is what she said. > > > > import os > > os.path.listdir() > > > > This is what he said. This is what she said. This is what > > he said. This is what she said. > > ## Heading 2 > This is what he said. This is what she said. This is what > he said. This is what she said. This is a test. } } -result {This is what he said. This is what she said. This is what he said. This is what she said.
Heading 3
This is what he said. This is what she said. This is what he said. This is what she said.
import os os.path.listdir()
This is what he said. This is what she said. This is what he said. This is what she said.
Heading 2
This is what he said. This is what she said. This is what he said. This is what she said.
This is a test.
} test convert-2.2 {refs} -body { convert { Find it [here][foo]! [foo]: http://example.com/ "Optional Title Here" } } -result {Find it here!
} test code-block-1.0 {basic code block render} -body { convert { pre code in code post code } } -result {pre code
in code
post code
} test header-1.1 {atx header level 1} -body { convert { # Header level 1 Text below without blank line } } -result {Text below without blank line
} test header-1.2 {atx header level 2} -body { convert { ## Header level 2 Text below without blank line } } -result {Text below without blank line
} test header-1.3 {atx header level 3} -body { convert { ### Header level 3 Text below without blank line } } -result {Text below without blank line
} test header-1.4 {atx header level 1 with blank line} -body { convert { # Header level 1 Text below with blank line } } -result {Text below with blank line
} test img-1.0 {image link with alt text} -body { convert {  } } -result {hello
hello again
} test div-1.2 {[0d23817f75] embedded html on a line surrounded by empty lines having html attribute with value} -body { convert { hello hello again } } -result {hello
hello again
} #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # known bugs in div handling - Ticket [57f151c354] test div-1.3 {[57f151c354] embedded div on a line in a paragraph} -body { convert { hello hello again } } -constraints knownbug -result {hello
hello again
} # actual result: #hello # <div allowfullscreen> # hello again
test div-1.4 {[57f151c354] embedded div with attribute on a line in a paragraph} -body { convert { hello hello again } } -constraints knownbug -result {hello
hello again
} # actual result: #hello #
# hello again #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tests with texts from the original markdown page at daringfireball.net test gruber-1.1 {a sample text} -body { convert { A First Level Header ==================== A Second Level Header --------------------- Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. This is just a regular paragraph. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog's back. ### Header 3 > This is a blockquote. > > This is the second paragraph in the blockquote. > > ## This is an H2 in a blockquote } } -result {Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. This is just a regular paragraph.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog's back.
} test gruber-1.2 {reference-style links} -body { convert { I get 10 times more traffic from [Google][1] than from [Yahoo][2] or [MSN][3]. [1]: http://google.com/ "Google" [2]: http://search.yahoo.com/ "Yahoo Search" [3]: http://search.msn.com/ "MSN Search" } } -result {This is a blockquote.
This is the second paragraph in the blockquote.
This is an H2 in a blockquote
I get 10 times more traffic from Google than from Yahoo or MSN.
} #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # External conversion of Fenced Code Blocks test fcb-1.0 {register, wrong # args} -body { ::Markdown::register } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "::Markdown::register lang_specifier converter ?extended?"} test fcb-1.1 {register, wrong # args} -body { ::Markdown::register LANG } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "::Markdown::register lang_specifier converter ?extended?"} test fcb-1.2 {register, wrong # args} -body { ::Markdown::register LANG CONVERTER EXTENDED X } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "::Markdown::register lang_specifier converter ?extended?"} test fcb-1.3 {get_lang_counter, wrong # args} -body { ::Markdown::get_lang_counter X } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "::Markdown::get_lang_counter"} test fcb-1.4 {reset_lang_counter, wrong # args} -body { ::Markdown::reset_lang_counter X } -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "::Markdown::reset_lang_counter"} test fcb-2.0 {get_lang_counter, initial} -body { ::Markdown::get_lang_counter } -result {} test fcb-2.1 {get_lang_counter, initial} -setup { set ::Markdown::lang_counter(foo) 22 } -body { ::Markdown::get_lang_counter } -cleanup { ::Markdown::reset_lang_counter } -result {foo 22} test fcb-2.2 {reset_lang_counter} -body { ::Markdown::reset_lang_counter } -result {} test fcb-2.3 {reset_lang_counter} -setup { set ::Markdown::lang_counter(foo) 22 } -body { ::Markdown::reset_lang_counter ::Markdown::get_lang_counter } -result {} test fcb-3.0 {register} -setup { proc foo {text} { string reverse $text } } -body { ::Markdown::register foo foo convert { ```foo bar ``` } } -cleanup { unset ::Markdown::converter(foo) rename foo {} } -result {rab
test fcb-3.1 {register extended} -setup {
proc foo {text config} { list $config $text }
} -body {
::Markdown::register foo foo 1
convert {
```foo bar
} -cleanup {
unset ::Markdown::converter(foo)
rename foo {}
} -result {
snafu bar
# Tests related to other processors or test suites
# Caius Markdown Tests
# These tests translate entire files. I prefer tests for individual
# features; when a test fails, you don't need to go hunting for the
# specifics. But I'm keeping these to show compatibility with the
# Caius processor.
# 1.* - Caius markdown tests
if 0 {
test caius-1.1 {bq test} -body {
set md [::tcltest::viewFile test/bq.md]
set html [::tcltest::viewFile test/bq.html]
cmp $html [Markdown::convert $md]
} -result {1}
test caius-1.2 {code test} -body {
set md [::tcltest::viewFile test/code.md]
set html [::tcltest::viewFile test/code.html]
cmp $html [Markdown::convert $md]
} -result {1}
test caius-1.3 {comments test} -body {
set md [::tcltest::viewFile test/comments.md]
set html [::tcltest::viewFile test/comments.html]
cmp $html [Markdown::convert $md]
} -result {1}
test caius-1.4 {inline test} -body {
set md [::tcltest::viewFile test/inline.md]
set html [::tcltest::viewFile test/inline.html]
cmp $html [Markdown::convert $md]
} -result {1}
test caius-1.5 {lists test} -body {
set md [::tcltest::viewFile test/lists.md]
set html [::tcltest::viewFile test/lists.html]
cmp $html [Markdown::convert $md]
} -result {1}
test caius-1.6 {p_br_h_hr test} -body {
set md [::tcltest::viewFile test/p_br_h_hr.md]
set html [::tcltest::viewFile test/p_br_h_hr.html]
cmp $html [Markdown::convert $md]
} -result {1}
test caius-1.7 {indent test} -body {
set md [::tcltest::viewFile test/indent.md]
set html [::tcltest::viewFile test/indent.html]
cmp $html [Markdown::convert $md]
} -result {1}
# mdtest: Bugs found while running https://github.com/michelf/mdtest/
test mdtest-1.1 {AL: Auto links: & not escaped in URL} -body {
convert {
Auto-link with ampersand: Auto-link with ampersand: http://example.com/?foo=1&bar=2
} test mdtest-1.2 {Undefined refs cause syntax error} -body { convert { Undefined ref: [foo] } } -result {Undefined ref: [foo]
} test mdtest-1.3 {LRS: Embedded brackets in link} -constraints knownbug -body { convert { With [embedded [brackets]] [b]. [b]: /url/ } } -result {With embedded [brackets].
} test mdtest-1.4 {LRS: Simple reflink} -constraints knownbug -body { convert { Simple link [this]. [this]: /url/ } } -result {Simple link this.
} test mdtest-1.5 {LRS: Reflink embedded in brackets 1} -constraints knownbug -body { convert { [Links can be [embedded][] in brackets] [embedded]: /url/ } } -result {[Links can be embedded in brackets]
} test mdtest-1.6 {LRS: Reflink embedded in brackets 2} -constraints knownbug -body { convert { [Links can be [embedded] in brackets] [embedded]: /url/ } } -result {[Links can be embedded in brackets]
} test mdtest-1.7 {LRS: link breaks across lines, 1} -constraints knownbug -body { convert { The [link breaks] across lines. [link breaks]: /url/ } } -result {The link breaks across lines.
} test mdtest-1.8 {LRS: link breaks across lines, 2} -constraints knownbug -body { convert { The [link breaks] across lines, but with a line-ending space. [link breaks]: /url/ } } -result {The link breaks across lines, but with a line-ending space.
} test mdtest-1.9 {OAUL: "* * *" line after unordered list} -body { # This causes the processor to hang. convert { * asterisk 1 * * * } } -result {Here comes a generic example:
set x 1
test mdtest-1.11 {fenced code block with language specifier} -body {
convert {
Here comes a Tcl example:
set x 1
} -result {
Here comes a Tcl example:
set x 1
# Tclssg markdown tests - Copyright (c) 2015, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021
# D. Bohdan and contributors listed in Tclssg AUTHORS. This code is
# released under the terms of the MIT license. See the file LICENSE
# for details.
tcltest::test markdown-3.1 {Tabs in Markdown} -cleanup {
unset md
} -body {
set md "```\ntarget:\n\tcommand foo bar\n```"
list [Markdown::convert $md 0] \
[Markdown::convert $md 1]
} -result [list \
"target:\n command foo bar
" \
"target:\n\tcommand foo bar
" \
tcltest::test markdown-4.1 {Fenced code block language 1} -cleanup {
unset md
} -body {
set md "```make\ntarget:\n\tcommand foo bar\n```"
Markdown::convert $md 1
} -result "target:\n\tcommand\
foo bar
tcltest::test markdown-4.2 {Fenced code block language 2} -body {
Markdown::convert "```!@#$%^&*()\nhi\n```"
} -result "hi
tcltest::test markdown-4.3 {Fenced code block language 3} -body {
Markdown::convert "```foo bar baz\nhi\n```"
} -result "hi
tcltest::test markdown-5.1 {Newlines in HTML tag 1} -body {
Markdown::convert . tcltest::test markdown-5.3 {Newlines in HTML tag 3} -body { Markdown::convert
" tcltest::test markdown-6.2 {Foo | Bar | Baz |
1 | 2 | 3 |
4 | 5 | 6 |
File name | Description |
x.zip | Source code. |
Monocolumn |
Yes. |
Hook |
Line |
Hello |
Hello! |